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The Truth of Genesis: The Separation of Atheism and State

Herman Cummings
Message Herman Cummings

In biology class, students are currently taught Atheism, which is a religion of denial of a Creator.  Why is it that educators have no problem with brainwashing students with such an ideology, which is highly incredulous, but find excuses to avoid teaching that which is more probable?   Since when is teaching only one explanation of events desirable, when common sense dictates that another explanation is closer to the truth?   Since when is a testimony full of "conditions just right", and "random luck", a basis for a restricted curriculum?

The same class that teaches that "there is no Creator" must also teach the opposing view, else the school system is taking sides, causing an imbalance in education.   Are the public schools suppose to be recruiting grounds for Atheist converts?  That is what our schools have been doing, and the Atheists want to keep it that way, using the pretext of "separation of church and state".  What about separating Atheism and the state?   How many students first come to class with a belief in a Deity, then after science class indoctrination, come away with changed beliefs?   Ever heard of the "Lemon Test"?   Why isn't it being applied? 

The truth of history has nothing to do with religion. The book of Genesis explains the 4.6 billion year history of our Earth, and why the fossil and geologic records are found as they are.  The worlds of Creationism and Theology have no idea what Genesis chapter one is conveying to mankind.  Their foolish and false representations are mainly the reason mankind has not known the truth of our origins.  The remaining reason is that too many people have been too stubborn to examine the truth, before jumping to their biased conclusions. 

Of the ones that have seen the Observations of Moses, the "young earth" believers provide the most resistance, because they have been brainwashed by doctrines of denial (such as "no death before Adam"), which Genesis does not support.   Most that see the presentation come away in awe, and wonder why they had not heard of it before.   They question why only now is this (literal) view of Genesis being revealed, and why only one person has been promoting it.  The 600 million year revelation of the extinctions and restorations of life forms clearly exposes the evolution theory to be an incoherent deception.

In 1996, my own teenaged child came home from school and said that they had learned in science class that Genesis was a fairy tale.   He felt betrayed by what he had believed in, and was disappointed that his parents were so "naive".   I told him that I would explain Genesis after dinner.  

I showed him what I called the "Observations of Moses", which explained the verses in Genesis chapter one.   Once he read the scriptures in chronological order, his eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning.   His belief in the Bible was renewed, and his faith in God restored.   For 19 years, I've tried to help other students, but academia and the Clergy won't let me.   Both Creationism and evolution are shown to be false.

"Truth in education", or "critical thinking" bills are worthless, and do not provide an alternate explanation of the fossil and geologic records of Earth.   As it stands now, science classes in schools are poisoning the minds of our students, and have been for more than 50 years.   Those students grow up with incorrect information, having ungodly values of (human) life, and become future leaders that make bad decisions for our country.

I teach a 6-hr class for science teachers, to help them answer questions that students would ask concerning the fossil record and geologic time as defined by Genesis.  When you teach both sides of the coin, you have balance, and are not "taking sides".   Public education is suppose to be neutral, and is not to promote any religion (theism or anti-theism), using public funds.   Promoting Atheism in the public school system is evil, and is unconstitutional.   Just look at the results such teachings have done to our society, where our children have a low value of human life.   If there is no Creator, then there is no final Judgment: this is the message now being taught in public schools.

The 62 minute presentation first proves that current creationism is wrong, both "young Earth" and all forms of "old Earth" theories.   Secondly, it then disproves the Big Bang theory, by revealing withheld facts of our solar system, which the world of science doesn't want the world to know.   Thirdly, the presentation then explains the jumps in the fossil record, from 245 million years ago, to that of modern times.  (In case you are wondering, the flood of Noah, which occurred in 2611 BC, has nothing to do with it).   Geologic events is what the seven days of Moses are teaching, because Creation Week is not found in Genesis, as has been mistakenly taught by those in ignorance of the text.  

I strongly encourage each and every state to have this presentation shown to your legislative body, so that they will see the truth of pre-historic history.  They must first see what the truth is, so that they can then make an educated decision on how to implement this into the education system.  This is not something that would be taught by the Clergy or schools of Theology, because they are mired in false doctrines.  

Please advise,

Herman Cummings

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Author of the book, "The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism", and promoter of teaching "the Observations of Moses". The book explains why Elijah and Enoch will rise from the dead on the Day of Trumpets.

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