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To Preserve Our Sanity We Must Block Out the Horror

Jason Paz
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By Naira Antoun, The Electronic Intifada, 19 February 2009
To say that Palestinians are absent in Waltz with Bashir,
to say that it is a film that deals not with Palestinians
but with Israelis who served in Lebanon, only barely
begins to describe the violence that this film commits
against Palestinians. There is nothing interesting or new
in the depiction of Palestinians -- they have no names,
they don't speak, they are anonymous. But they are not
simply faceless victims. Instead, the victims in the story
that Waltz with Bashir tells are Israeli soldiers. Naira
Antoun reviews the film for The Electronic Intifada.


Being Ignored is an Insulting Experience


Ms Naira Antoun has reason to feel outrage. She lives in London, but her native country has been blockaded, bombed and invaded. Adding to this injury, Israel has erected a high wall to keep out Palestinians all of them. Including day laborers, visiting relatives, sick people and terrorists, the exiled list is long.

Every touring bum with a Passport rates a VISA. Every Jew can claim the right to return and pick up a new home in the bargain. Life is unfair.


Indifference is a Key to Sanity


I am not here to blame either side for the 61-year-old war. Its longevity speaks for itself. I remember the Vietnam Era, when the madness spread throughout the USA for ten years and beyond.

How do ordinary people deal with the horror? They suppress it blocking it out. Hatred and enemies disappear in a mist of forgetting.

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