Why do the major, mainstream newsmedia go out of their way to solicit the prime-time-trashing of Scott McClellan by seeking out verbal attacks on him by the Bush goon-squad? Immediately, the 'retired' Bushie operatives, like toilet-faced Karl Rove and erstwhile-enforcer, Ari Fleischer, immediately come out of 'retirement' like mosquitoes looking for blood at sunset. Of course, McClellan is the target of their most vicious denigration and questioning of character and motives. The right-wingers all glom on and mob him like chimps at feces-hurling-time. Most of the ones trashing McClellan are themselves criminals that ought, if there were any justice, to be in jail themselves, while they go about ramping up the swift-boating machine on McClellan, as they do anyone who crosses them. They've trashed our whole country and way of life, but the media still holds them in high regard and seeks them out as if they were prophets at the oracle of Delphi. The Bush hacks appear not only to own the White House, but have a lock-hold on the corporate-right-wing-dominated major media outlets, as well as now, since Bush packed it, the Supreme Court. Bush-Cheney may have low popularity ratings, but that doesn't stop their thugs from being consulted, sought out and held up as some kind of standard of political punditry. Hillary was right. There IS a vast, pernicious and ubiquitous right-wing conspiracy to own the media and the national political "dialog".