This past week saw ceremonies observing the 60th anniversary of America's Korean War. Veterans For Peace missed another opportunity to protect Americans from their ignorance of U.S. actions in South Korea after W.W.II, and of the massacres of tens of thousands of communist civilians in the South during the two years before the North ended the back and forth cross border skirmishes with a full scale successful invasion.
The Korean civil war was over quickly. The horrific U.S. invasion and occupation of South Korea and failed attempt to occupy the North took the lives of two and half million men women and children.
The war anniversary was just another opportunity for the Pentagon, politicians and corporate media to praise an American war and the veterans who fought it. Korea's destruction was the first of many in America's Cold War (read cold-hearted war) in little countries all around the world for the protection of capitalism. But capitalists governments called it fighting communism
Now the U.S. is pals with Communist China - that same Communist China that pushed the American armies out of North Korea, while incongruously it continues to punish North Korea as a dangerous enemy. Veterans For Peace could have used the war's anniversary to call for a peace treaty to end the war still officially on.
Veterans For Peace could have made a bold statement about the Korean War having been terribly wrong. It could have asked all its members and their families to start Googling questions about that war.
U.S. media has always kept it simple. U.S. intervention justified with an American shrug of the shoulders and, 'The North attacked the South first.' Simple? Maybe so, but this writer remembers photos of U.S. Senators and Congressmen visiting the trenches separating the Korea divide on the front pages of issues of the New York Times during the months prior to the North's armed forces sudden invasion. Remembers as well the captions and accompanying articles of tough talk of some of these in calling for "cutting the ropes' holding back the South Korea President Syngman Rhee (an unpopular dictator) from going north.
Wikipedia, Korean War:
Within days of the invasion, masses of ROK Army soldiers--of dubious loyalty to the U.S. implanted Syngman Rhee rà ©gime--were either retreating southwards or were defecting en masse to the north, to the KPA
As nationalists, both Syngman Rhee and Kim Il-Sung were intent upon reunifying Korea under their own political system.
In his autobiography, President Truman acknowledged that fighting the invasion was essential to the American goal of the global containment of communism as outlined in the National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68) (declassified in 1975).
In keeping with what the Veterans For Peace might have called for, see the OEN published article below which was written after this writer attended a panel discussion headed by the touring South Korean National Assembly established Truth and Reconciliation Commission at Columbia University School of International Studies in New York City.
Friday, April 17, 2009
On the Need for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in America
In 2005, in keeping with its maturation as a constitutional democracy, the South Korean National Assembly established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to seek to "reveal the truth behind civilian massacres during the Korean War and human rights abuses during the [South Korean] authoritarian period and recent evidence of U.S. and South Korean responsibility for the massacre of civilians before and during the Korean War."
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In following OEN articles the writer brings forward various documented facts in Korea history that are purposely blacked out as U.S. media continually demonizes the North Korean government.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
U.S. Threat to Atom Bomb North Korea Never Forgotten
(4 comments) On Nov. 30, 1950, President Truman at a press conference, remarked that the use of the atomic bomb was under active consideration. Koreans heard this as menacingly foreboding apocalypse, for U.S. forces were in retreat, and had suffered losses when China send 'volunteer' forces to N. Korea 45 days earlier. North Korea is going to great expense to acquire nuclear capability. Is memory of that U.S. threat to Nuke fueling paranoia?
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers
Beautiful telecast. Koreans interviewed spoke of avowed resolve to protect their country,they knew Americans were their enemies, spoke softly, politely, with calm pleasant countenance. Americans can go on thinking they were good guys doing good. But they might like to remember that 'good' was done in Korea, to Koreans, all of whom were not in agreement that it was for their own good. Picasso's Cheju Massacre Painting sobering
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
N. Korean Torpedo Accusation Fizzles - Strong Probability of US Mine Strike Investigated
The self-righteous scowling countenance of Mrs. Clinton reminded us of a serious Colin Powell pointing to photos of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction trucks, of Adelai Stevenson's photo evidence that planes that bombed Cuba were not U.S. planes, of Robert McNamara on the Gulf of Tonkin attack on innocent U.S. warships, of the John Foster Dulles proving that communists, not capitalists, were out to conquer the world.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
NY Times, AP Consistently Leaving Out Debunking Info on "N. Korean Torpedo' Claim
Even capitalist South Korea's major newspapers have carried the friendly-US-fire suppositions re its blown up warship by both a Russian Navy investigation and Japanese investigative reporters. It is difficult to even find having been reported in U.S. media the simple and diplomatic Chinese answer to the U.S. asking help to punish North Korea on the basis of a U.S. 'international investigation' finding. "Not creditable."
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Monday, April 6, 2009
Obama Calls on U.N. to Punish North Korea Over Rocket, but WHO PUNISHES THE U.S.?
Commercial media feeding frenzy on the space missile launch by North Korea at the same time whipping up fear of Iran. Obama has harsh words for North Korea, as earlier for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Venezuela and Iran, which received a kind invite to talk mixed in with such severe public criticism as to make the invitation unacceptable. So far, Obama, both as president and as commander-in-chief belies change to serious diplomacy.
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