...seeing the face of Newt Gingrich prominently displayed in the header of OEN is an affront not worth the money. But rather than suggest that this is a problem that has "suddenly" befallen OEN, I think the problem is more systemic.
The problem is a collision of beliefs: one that suggests market-forces should ensure the suitability for survival of an entity and another belief that suggests or assumes that market forces are evenly distributed.
OEN sacrifices its integrity by accepting money from one of the most notorious neo-conservative megalomaniacs in American history. Why not advertise the business of a world-famous Holocaust denier? The impact would be the same.
The willingness to accept advertising money from any group directly affiliated with the subversionists we've just thrown out of the Whitehouse and partially out of Congress is not only foolish, it is delusional largesse.
The enemies of liberty still occupy substantial areas of American government and we cannot rest until these individuals are rooted out and removed from any and all positions within American governance.
Freedom of speech is limited by the legitimacy of the message: yelling "fire" in a crowded movie house for the hell of it is an antisocial message that creates harmful panic. Allowing anti-government ideologues and their affiliated zealots to occupy any position in government smacks of treasonous stupidity.
Newt Gingrich has nothing to offer OEN but the appearance of "selling out."