Did the Flight 11 passengers of September 11, 2001 really exist? All we have is
the manifest, released by the Boston Globe on September 13 of that year, which shows the names of 78 passengers.
The records show that of the 78 passengers allegedly on Flight 11,
36 were not found, 18 had died on other dates and only 24 died on September 11,
While the index does not show every deceased person, the site gives these reasons for an unlisted death:
1. The
death was not reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA).
2. The
death occurred before the Death Master File was maintained in a computer
database. About 98 percent of the deaths in this database occurred between
1962 and the present.
3. The
person did not participate in the Social Security program.
4. Survivor
death benefits were (are) being paid to dependents or spouse.
5. A recent death may not be indexed yet.
Exceptions #2 and #5 do not appear to apply here.Because all of the Flight 11 passengers allegedly died simultaneously and appear on the same manifest, it is hard to understand how the Social Security Administration would receive reports of some of the deaths, but not others.
As for non-participation in the Social Security program, web sites say that opting out is possible, but very difficult (you can do so by belonging to a fiercely independent religious sect like the Amish, for example).
And the dependents and spouses referred to in the fourth exception are people at or near the age of retirement, not an especially large group.
It should be clear that the public has been given names of people who did not exist, who were still alive and who had already died!