Starts Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9:00 PM for 120 minutes
Location: Ecuadorian Consulate: 800 2nd Avenue, Suite 600, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017
The unsustainability of the American economy is as familiar as the newscycle. There is no money for social programs, no money to run the government, no money to cut taxes, and above all, we have to cut, cut, cut.
But, what if it's not true?
Instead of familiar complaints about the national debt, leading to just slicing a shrinking economic pie differently, or worse, to Austerity Economics, the reality is that we already have all the wealth we could ever need. The tried and proven proposals presented in this special seminar based on the book America Is Not Broke! would guarantee America's prosperity, fairness, democracy, and economic and ecological sustainability forever. Four multi-trillion dollar reforms: Sovereign Money, Georgism, Public Banking, and Ending Government Financial Asset Hoarding, plus a few other major reforms, show how we can have it all, if we only learn where to look.
This one-night seminar summarizes and augments the findings of the book, with new and local issues and solutions not found in America is Not Broke!
Organization: Henry George School
Directions: Location: (See map below)
800 2nd Avenue, Suite 600, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(between 42nd and 43rd st. – middle of block, next to UN Plaza Pharmacy)
*Photo ID required for access.
Contact Info: Scott Baker (
(Registration Required)