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The Peace Flag

The Peace Flag

Patricia in St. Lucie County, FL

OpEdNews.Com July 4, 2003

  I am spending the 4th of July consoling my neighbor whose husband is in Iraq.  We're so terribly worried about him.
Here's a little story that seems so damn appropriate this weekend.  When my friend left for Iraq, I bought a flag to hang outside my front door.  The flag was a white dove with a banner trailing from it's beak and the banner carried the word "peace".  I said I wouldn't take the flag down until my friend came home.  Well the weather and the Florida sun did quite a number on my little flag and yesterday it literally just fell to shreds.  I have packaged up what remains of the flag and will give it to my friend when he returns home.  See, each time my friend's wife drove by the house it was a reminder to her that we were thinking about her husband.  Last night I emailed her to explain why the flag was no longer out front and here is her reply:

That peace flag did a big job--It kept me going every day.  Every time I drive by and see it I know I am not alone and it reminds me that Jarrel has people here who care and a life to come back to.
Patricia, thank you for all that you do for me and Jarrel.  I hope you know how much it means."
Well needless to say, there was a whole lot of crying going on at my house and hers.  The symbolism of the flag holding on and holding out for "peace" meant so much to us.  And just like the hope for peace in Iraq, it just sort of fell apart and nothing was left but hope and shreds of a once positive message.  Funny though, the dove part of the flag shredded but the part that said "peace" is still intact.  So maybe that's the good part of this story.
Unfortunately our Target store no longer carries that same flag, because if they did I would sure have one today!
Okay, I just wanted to share what I am doing for the 4th.  Maybe next year it will be better!!!!!!

Patricia Ernest,  nesters@bellsouth.net gives us this bio:

I live in the wonderful state of Florida.
I am a mom to Murphy (my precious pup) and Fred (my occasionally precious cat).
I share my life, my laughter, my world and all of my love with my husband and have for 16 years.
I would describe myself as a very sentimental and sensitive person who is forever willing to share my point of view whether or not it has been requested of me.  This article is copyright by Patricia Ernest,  originally published by opednews.com Permission is granted to forward this or to place it on a website as long as the article is included intact, including this statement. New! Pissed Off Patricia's BLog 


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