Broadcast 9/18/2017 at 9:51 PM EDT (17 Listens, 31 Downloads, 1393 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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George Hawley, Assistant professor of Political Science at University of Alabama, and author of Making Sense of the Alt-Right and Right wing Critics of American Conservatism
Very rough interview notes to help you decide whether you want to listen to the interview. These are not offered as an article
What is the Alt-right
What about Alt-left
Describe a typical person who is alt-right
You say, in your book, that the things they say are appalling. Please give some examples.
These are not your typical conservatives. You told the Washington Post,
"They're opposed to George W. Bush and especially to the neoconservative wing of the conservative movement. So, libertarians and paleoconservatives and the racial right all could be classified as alt-right, though, over time, the racial element became more explicit.
Talk about the alt-right's mascot, Pepe
You say that the alt-right is an outgrowth of Troll culture. Explain
You say that the Alt-right offers progressives some hope, that the alt-right may hate conservatives more than they do progressives. Elaborate.
How are conventional conservatives dealing with the Alt-right?
What are the goals of the alt-right?
What's the connection between the alt-right and White Christians, who, it's just been reporting, now make up just 43% of the US population?
Alt Right people don't like the term White Supremacist. What are the terms that they do like.
You say that they are not violent, like other groups. But is Alt-right, the equivalent of a "gateway drug" that introduces people to ideas that lead them to hard hate?
Talk more about the internet connection--and any bottom up or top down aspects
What about Steve Bannon, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Prison Planet, Joseph Watson?
What are the biggest online gathering places for the Alt-Right?
What's Alt-lite
Size: 79,397,743 -- 0 hrs, 55 min, 8 sec