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Broadcast 4/25/2020 at 9:31 AM EDT (22 Listens, 17 Downloads, 2305 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Chuck Collins is a member of the Patriotic Millionaires and is the great-grandson of the US meatpacker Oscar Mayer. He directs the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies and is the author of Born on Third Base
Chuck Collins Time for there to be No Billionaires We discuss the dangerous threat by billionaires to democracy, ecology and economic justice. Chuck Collins is a member of the Patriotic Millionaires and is the ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Rob Kall Bottom-up Show) Details DMCA
How do other countries handle wealth inequality?
Why is it better to live in Canada if were not in a wealthy family?
Privilege is a disconnection drug. The alternative is connection
Invitation to rejoin humanity
We can change the stories that hold inequality in place.
We need to reform socialist Philanthropy 30-50+% subsidization of Philanthropy
They offer to fix inequality without raising taxes or giving workers more rights and power.
Nordic countries have a rewired capitalism that should probably have its own name.
Effects of extreme inequality.
Changing the narrative and the story
Game changing campaigns: reduce concentration of wealth and power, generate revenue that will help people, comes with a constituency, and changing the narrative and story.
Isabel de Santos"Wealthiest woman in Africa"Angola
Professional wealth managers: Wealth defense industry
Luxury real estate"effects on communities
Stakeholder capitalism
Dont work for billionaires
Size: 83,534,912 -- 0 hrs, 58 min, 0 sec