Broadcast 12/20/2020 at 1:36 PM EST (13 Listens, 5 Downloads, 1467 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Cindy Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board Certified Biofeedback Practitioner, practicing in Albany, NY. She's chronic pain survivor and author of The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.She's also the founder and CEO of the Alternative Pain Treatment Directory.
1. Suppression of alternative medicine has been going on since the advent of pharmaceutical medicine in the late 1800s. Some examples include:
" Efforts to eliminate the practice of chiropractic
" Redefining medicine to eliminate the practice of homeopathy
1910 Flexner Report: AMA attacked homeopathy and chiropractic, also acupuncture were illegal
" The Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994 which made it a crime to make health claims for foods and supplements, even if the claims are true, unless the substance went through an unaffordable FDA drug approval process
2. Tactics include:
" Criminalizing therapies and substances (e.g. chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal and nutritional treatment of cancer, marijuana)
" Censorship (banning books, media refusal to publish information, social media censorship)
" Disinformation campaigns (lying about safety or effectiveness, fake studies designed to fail)
" Denial of insurance coverage (most alternative therapies) or freezing fees for 40 years (mental health, chiropractic, PT)
" Assassinations and assassination attempts; Max Gerson's cancer diet
3. During the pandemic this is happening with alternative medicine approaches to COVID-19, including:
" It became very obvious early in the pandemic that people with strong immune systems were not susceptible to serious complications or death from COVID-19, yet there has been an almost complete blockout of any information on known ways people can strengthen their immune system with interventions including stress management and relaxation, nutrition and supplements, exercise, sleep, etc.
" One cheap, accessible intervention that could reduce the death rate by as much as 90% is optimizing vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficient patients are 10x more likely to die of COVID-19 than patients who have sufficient levels of vitamin D, but the medical community is not telling people about this
" Social media outlets are shutting down access by practitioners and companies that provide information about alternative therapies for COVID-19
" Companies that make claims that their products either prevent or treat COVID-19 are getting cease and desist warnings from the FTC and FDA
" One company owner I spoke with was investigated by the FDA, FBI and Homeland Security and charged with wire fraud, making false claims and harming people (despite lack of evidence of any harm). The crime: A statement on their website, "We feel safer taking "X" during COVID".
4. The motivation for this is greed. Disempowered, terrified people will take any "miracle" drug or vaccine they are offered, regardless of the lack of evidence or side effects. The pandemic represents an unprecedented opportunity for profit, given that over 7 billion people are at risk.
Let me know what you think. I can be reached by phone at (518) 439-6431. I'll be available this evening and most of the weekend, except for 1:00 - 5:00 PM tomorrow (the last National Publicity Summit session).
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