Broadcast 6/12/2015 at 9:39 AM EDT (157 Listens, 60 Downloads, 1893 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Zen Honeycutt Founder and director of Moms Across America
A mom of 3 boys
Near the end of the Interview Zen encourages us to get involved with 4th of July parades-- or, at least, give out literature at the parade near you. You can get literature to hand out at
Rough Notes from the Interview:
Rob: Can you share your information about Monsanto, GMOs. and Roundup/Glyphosate
our mission is to label GMOs" my children had food allergies and health problems. When I found out about how GMOs and related herbicides could destroy gut bacteria" when I eliminated GMOs from my 9 year old's diet within months, his life threatening allergies have gone from a 19 to a .2
Monsanto is not only primarily responsible for the GMO foods, but also make the pesticides.
When GMO crop is sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate it kills off everything but the GMO plants.
Roundup eats up rust on pipes. In plants, it chelates, making vital nutrients unavailable. It is also an antibiotic, killing gut bacteria and allows for proliferation pathogenic bacteria , which lead to brain turning on autoimmune responses glutamate
Neurotoxicity in rats.
see in under data
This chemical is causing American Mind Melt.
Rob: let's hear some details about your ideas on how Monsanto's GMOs and roundup contribute to Autism.
mercury was in vaccines since 1929. The spike in Autism started in the 1990s, when GMOs and glyphosates were introduced.
Serotonin, tryptophan, melatonin tied to gut bacteria-- loss of them cause loss of these.
Eating organic foods and probiotics can restore gut bacteria-- children sleep better, health gets better, behavior gets better.
My child had autistic symptoms" so I took him to the doctor and he said he would test him for fungus-- kinds of bacteria
colloidal silver
Robert Scott Bell
we went all organic.
Gut dysbiosis basically the gut lining is destroyed.
doctor said that the majority of American children are having this now.
My middle son was eating wheat, and I learned that wheat was being used as a drying agent.
In 2013 there was an increase of 73% in the use of roundup. Monsanto was recommending that Roundup be sprayed on different non GMO crops as a drying agent.
Rob: What affect does roundup/glyphosate have on the human body.
Has not been tested on humans because it is not ethical to test on humans.
Glyphosate found in breast milk 1600% higher than levels in europe.
In animal studies they directly correlate with the harm seen in human beings.
1- killing natural gut bacteria. Can lead to depression-- over 50 million with mental illness.
Chelation therapy takes heavy metals out of the body.
Glyphosate chelates all the vital metals in the human body. Glyphosate loves zinc-- which is key in men's sperm, and today's levels are 50% of
Rob: How does glyphosate work
chelator, antibiotic, endocrine disruptor, DNA mutator,
causes liver and kidney damage
Endocrine disruption can affect fetus.
Rob: How does glyphosate work to kill weeds?
chelation-- draws out vital nutrients
Attacks the shikimate pathway in the plant.
Bottle claim says shikimate pathway is not found in humans or animals. But it is found in gut bacteria.
There are many ways it attacks the human" affects 40 diseases.
Glyphosate and impact on modern diseases
Serotonin regulates diabetes. We have a quadrupling of diabetes in the past 10 years.
Scientifically connected to non-hodgkins lymphoma-- class action lawsuit.
Lawsuit filed against Monsanto re Roundup is a carcinogen.
Netherlands have declared it a carcinogen
In South American country 20,000 young men have died from glyphosate spraying.
30,000 doctors in Argentina have signed a petition to ban Glyphosate-- have seen affects on families-- mothers, babies born with birth defects.
In Sri Lanka-- high levels of liver and kidney damage-- have banned it.
This is the main cause of the majority of health issues in America today.
80% of GMOs are designed to resist glyphosate.
80-90% of corn, rice, 100% of sugar beets
over 160 food crops or feed for animals have levels higher than that found to destroy gut bacteria.
Rob: there are 100 of billions if not trillions of gut bacteria in each of our bodies and they make a major part of our internal ecosystem.
if you kill gut bacteria you are killing off your body's ability to function.
85% of our processed food we have GMO corn or sugar.
55 countries around the world have either banned or labeled it.
Raised levels allowed on corn from 2.5 to 13 parts per million on corn. That's the exact number Monsanto asked that it be raised to. Farmer's report found 13 PPM
Takes only .1 parts per billion to destroy gut bacteria and that's what's allowed in water. . In the US we allow 700 PPM of glyphosate. Tests in the US only test down to .25 parts per million.
Momsacross america and sustainable pulse made ability to test for water, urine and breast milk.
action at momsacrossamerica. can get glyphosate testing.
Rob: what are they finding?
8.7 PPbillion in her son's urine. that's eight times higher than Europe
Found many others over 10 PPB.
Rob: How do you respond to pro-Monsanto, pro GMO people who say that anti-monsanto, anti-GMO people are the climate deniers of the left?
They think that GMO is progress.
What I say to them is that GMO is simply not working. It did look, for the first two or three years, like it did kill the weeds. But then the weeds developed resistance. They sprayed more and more chemicals. And they did not do studies showing that the chemicals have a negative impact on human beings.
The people who are pro GMO food the over 137 studies that show harm from glyphosate and the more than 1500 studies that show harm from GMOs. There's all kinds of harm that can happen from GMOs and glyphosate.
There are many other toxic pesticides and chemicals that are allowed on our foods, because of chemical farming. These companies were first making chemicals for war. Then they declared war on weeds and bugs.
Rob; They say that Glyphosate is safer than coffee.
first where are the studies coming from-- from chemical companies standing to profit, not from independent people. I did a FOIA request-- they sent me records of total of 22 studies. Four of them were four day, 96 hour toxicology studies on birds, fish, oysters and shrimp. Says in the study after 4 days the majority of the Oysters exposed to .99 to 3 PPM of glyphosate were closed and not eating.
Rob: so you're saying it looks like comatose
closed and not feeding is akin to a coma.
Rob: How about for the shrimp, birds and fish
Shrimp's ability to survive in water, after 5.2 PPM the shrimp died.
Another study showed that glyphosate stayed viable for 315 days in dark salty water.
Spoke at Monsanto shareholders meeting.
Rob: How did the shareholders respond?
I spoke on behalf of John Harrington investments. I had pats on the back, had smiled, but was herded out of the meeting.
Rob: What can people do about labeling GMO, about stopping GMO from being treated like royalty, about how this affects their lives?
buy organic as much as possible-- means non-gmo, and not sprayed with toxic chemicals.
Rob: The science people say that organic is sprayed.
they are sprayed but it is not as toxic, doesn't stay on the plants"
Contact your representatives that you want GMO labeling and glyphosate banned
Call EPA 703 308 8187 Neil Anderson-- they are in the process of reviewing glyphosate, and will announce in July or August whether or not they will re-approve glyphosate for 15 years.
And tell your friends and family and talk to school board, to city council. Materials are available at
Post an event at momsacrossamerica and a code for a free box of materials.
Third generation rats that ate GMOs are sterile. We are really talking about the difference between surviving and thriving as the human race.
Rob; you also have concerns about TPP monsanto and glyphosate.
It says it will make labeling a trade barrier-- it will make them null and void. And that's simply unacceptable, that we wouldn't have labels on GMO foods. I am concerned that the chemical companies that helped make the TPP are controlling the global economy.
Rob: we need to wrap up this interview
consider joining a 4th of July parade or pass out material from moms acrossamerica and reach thousands of people. Educate people in your towns and make a difference in how your government is run.
We need to take back the power in america and it starts wi th moms because we buy 85% of the food.
Size: 25,669,872 -- 0 hrs, 53 min, 28 sec