Broadcast 10/15/2017 at 7:49 AM EDT (53 Listens, 56 Downloads, 2758 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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George is a columnist for the UK's Guardian and was a BBC radio producer AND WINNER OF THE United Nations Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental achievement.
Author of numerous books, including Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding, and his newest book Out of the Wreckage; A new politics for an age of crisis
Very rough interview prep notes and interview notes-- not meant to give you anything more than the desire to watch or listen to the audio or video.
Indigenous, bottom up, story"
Power of stories
Two stories with same narrative of restoration.
Keynesian Social Democracy failed in the 70s. Why?
Neoliberalism--vicious ideology.
Extreme individualism, extreme competition
Getting everything out of the way of the market means getting everything out of the way of the wealthy.
Belief that it is better for the wealthy to have their way at expense of middle class.
Friederich Hayek
Ludwig von Mises
Supposed to get the state out of the way but requires intense state involvement
What about Globalization?
Democrats, Hillary, Obama, leaked emails".
Politics of belonging
Retake the commons
Rentier vs. enterprise economy?
Overthrow the current forms of political funding
. Require a low maximum donation--force political parties to re-engage the public.
Introduce much more participatory democracy into the political systems.
Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin campaigns
Becky Bonds, Zack Exley
Rotterdam Reading Room (Lesal)
Thick Network
Participatory Budgeting Porte Allegre Brazil
Ewan McLennan Breaking the Spell of Loneliness
Katrin Marcal Who Cooked Adam Smith's Dinner
Audro Linklater Owning the Earth
Marion Shoard This Land Is Our Land
John Clare poet; The Mores, The Fallen Elm
automatically generated, unedited transcript from Youtube:
my guest today is George Monbiot. he's
a columnist for the UK's Guardian and
was a BBC radio producer and winner of
the United Nations global 500 Award for
outstanding environmental achievement
he's the author of numerous books
including fear all searching for
Enchantment on the frontiers of
rewilding and his newest book just out
is out of the wreckage and new politics
for an age of crisis his website is mon
viacom they say that right mama mom do
mom be oh okay so welcome to the show
great to have you here thanks so much
Rove it's them it's a real pleasure
so the book is out of the wreckage and
it's this is a great book it's really it
pushes so many of my buttons and I love
it you know you start off talking about
story and that we need to change the
story and that you need a story to make
change happen and you come up with the
narrative that we're dealing with that
it's really how to change the narrative
is a change in the story that goes with
a narrative I love story I run a
conference - a story for six years right
yes and so I'm fascinated with the whole
thing about story so but I want to kind
of do this backwards all right okay so
first off having said what what I've
said is a kind of preface so for what do
you want this book to accomplish mm well
I feel that we're at a moment of great
danger and great opportunity we have
seen the sort of playing out of the
crisis that really began in 2008 it's
taken a long time for that all the
rupture that that is caused to really
coalesce into this a great chasm between
people and politics chasm in the middle
of economics a chasm through society and
and what we've got now that we did not
before is the recognition that the
existing system is bust that it's not
working is not working for people it's
not working for the the living world
it's it's not
sustainable in any sense at all and is
almost destined to lead to resurgent
fascism and so we desperately need to
grasp this opportunity basically before
the fascists do because we see the
growth of this very dark response to
crisis of the kind that we saw in the
1930s and the only way to stop that from
happening is to produce a better and
more compelling narrative of change
ourselves before the other side does
before the fascists do and and and this
really was so what went well what went
wrong before that you know unless you
can show people a better future and a
way of reconnecting and a sense of
belonging and a sense of having control
over their lives then you'll get all
sorts of buckets on broomsticks standing
up and saying we can give you the answer
we got the answer now it doesn't matter
what they say they'll make false
promises but the answer is basically
crushing other people and and we will
become dominant and we will crush those
other people and in doing so we will
solve the problems that afflict our
lives and so what I'm trying to do here
is to provide a peaceful and generous
and inclusive solution to the crisis
that we face and give us a thumbnail
sketch of what that is and then we'll
get into the details and enjoy sure well
the book begins with the observation
that you cannot take away someone's
story without giving them a new one and
the reason that we're stuck with this
broken model which has caused so many
crises from the financial crisis to the
environmental crisis to the political
crisis this model of neoliberalism of
market fundamentalism is that we have
not produced a sufficiently compelling
new story with which to replace it and
if you just try to confront a story with
facts and figures all you get is
reactive de nanã because we are
is a narrative we confront a world which
is phenomenally complex we can't
understand it by trying to make sense of
all the facts and figures we understand
it by looking for a story that makes
sense to us you know I mentioned before
we started I ran a conference one story
for six years in the first time Britt
came to the conference a storyteller and
he told a story about how truth went
into a city and people threw garbage out
and trash and they kicked him out and he
was miserable and went to another city
and they did the same thing and he's
sitting outside the city and and and
story came along resplendent in the
beautiful robe and and smiling and happy
and story went into the city and
everybody greeted him and loved them and
he came back out and said the truth
what's the matter guys nobody likes me
they hate me
says it's come with me walked into the
town and when truth went with story
people embraced him and loved him and
and I think that's what what you're
saying really yeah exactly that's a
beautiful way of putting it is a
beautiful way of putting it and that
rings true to me and and you know you
just told a story about a story you know
and and it it comes across it jumps out
at you far more than if you just
described what the story is you know you
because telling a story you've
immediately engaged our minds and and
that is the power of narrative and and
and what I've noticed is that it's not
just that and this is well known it's
not just that we are prepared to hear
stories and we're constantly looking out
for them but there are particular
stories which we listen for and in
politics and in religion the most
successful stories are all have
basically the same format which is what
I call the restoration story disorder
afflicts the land caused by nefarious
and powerful forces acting against the
good of humanity the hero of the story
who may be one person may be a group of
people may be an institution confronts
those powerful and nefarious forces
against the odds overthrown
and restores order to the land now that
is the successful story which has worked
again and again and again over centuries
and and yet you know I mean this isn't
hard to see you know this is this is a
fundamental truth about politics but
also about successful religious
revolutions and yet here we are
confronting this very powerful virulent
story of neoliberalism by saying well
that's not entirely true you know
because I've got the following facts and
figures and I looked up this paper in
Geophysical Research Letters and it says
the following and we just get nowhere at
all with that
it's hopeless and and just as bad is
where we say well there's this issue
we've got to deal with and that issue
we've got to deal with we are Haring
around chasing after all those
individual issues without any
overarching narrative framework within
which to place them well I you know as I
mentioned I really got into story and
one of the things that I learned early
on is that with the preacher taught
first tell him what I'm going to say
then say it and tell him what he said
okay what I really want you to get to is
your solution yes you get into depth
into neoliberalism and the stories but
between the middle and the end of the
book you get into how to deal with it
and we're talking about the commons
we're talking about community and real
ocol ization and belonging and the
politics of belonging so I want you to
put it out up front so that we can have
that in our minds as we're talking about
going through the rest of it surely so
I'll tell the basic structure of the
story the rest of the new restoration
story and then we can fit that other
stuff in as we go along great so the
story goes like this that over the past
20 years has been an amazing convergence
of findings in all sorts of different
disciplines in psychology and
neuroscience and anthropology and
evolutionary biology and they all point
to the same result that humankind by
comparison to any other species is
spectacularly altruistic we're way out
there beyond the end of the spectrum of
the rest of the animal kingdom we don't
see it like this because our minds are
attuned to danger we see the bad stuff
that human beings do
but we don't see the good stuff that
human beings do every day we commit
countless acts of economically
irrational altruism little things and
big things and that is the standard way
in which humans behave for psychopaths
among us or 1% of the population who
unfortunately tend to dominate and your
current president is a good example of
that they do not share those values but
the basic human values are shared by 99%
of the population and they are altruism
empathy kindness community feeling
benevolence we are an extraordinary
species but that good nature has been
thwarted by powerful and nefarious
forces who are the neoliberal group of
economists and politicians and
journalists who have done everything
they possibly can to push selfishness
and greed to the front of our minds and
to tell us not only that we are
inherently above all other cat tips so
fish greedy intensely competitive
intensely individualistic there's no
science behind it all so I'm not getting
mad with the end of this story but it's
ok I want to get into neoliberalism
anyway I knew a lot about neoliberalism
already but what did a nice job I'm
putting a history together and you know
you basically describe the roots as
being high Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig
von Mises those are the gods of
libertarians here in this country and
what you described they believed in and
they then led to Milton Friedman who is
one of the evil people on this planet
who I frequently refer to what but what
do you describe them as believing in is
horrific and monstrous really the idea
that democracy is not so good that that
people who inherit money are really
great and and that we should value them
because they have the free
of time I mean it since any tough tell
us a little bit more about them the the
absolute worst sure but most parts of
neoliberalism and one of the things you
also mentioned just to be briefly a hand
it back to you is it's a secret
neoliberalism is a secret which please
talk about that as well
first the evils of it and then the
secret sure okay so so the the
description that you're coming up with
really is a condensed version of
Friedrich Hayek's book the constitution
of Liberty and in this book he describes
very rich people regardless of how they
made that money if they inherited it it
doesn't matter then very rich people are
the pioneers the scouts who blazed the
trails that the rest of us should follow
nothing should be allowed to interfere
with that role so they should be subject
to almost no tax to no regulation to no
Democratic constraints it should be able
to behave exactly as they want and the
more extreme their behavior the better
the trail that they will blaze for the
rest of us to follow and while their
freedom which is our captivity while
their freedom must be absolute democracy
I quote is not an absolute or ultimate
value in other words that is subordinate
to the absolute freedom of the very rich
and their freedom translates into our
loss of freedom so if they are free from
all forms of regulation from all forms
of public protection for the rest of us
we find all local rivers have been
polluted our buildings of burning down
with us inside them our workers are
having their arms pulled off by
industrial machinery the consumers are
being poisoned by the stuff in the
products that they're eating there's you
know so many ways in which their freedom
translates into our captivity and
freedom isn't a neutral thing you know
there's some certain freedoms which we
neutral or certain freedoms which are
zero-sum games but the great majority of
them that one person's freedom will
remove freedom's from other people
and what you must seek is a balance of
freedoms but there is no balance of
freedoms in the Constitution for liberty
it says the freedom should all accrue to
the very rich which means no freedom
basically for anyone else and and this
book I mean it's it's utterly mad I mean
it really is completely raging bonkers
as we say in the United Kingdom for
instance it says everything should be
treated as capital on an equal basis so
soil for example should just be treated
as a commodity which can be traded for
any other kind of capital in it and if
you just strip all the soil off your
land while making as much money as
quickly as you possibly can and then use
that money to buy something else some
industrial machinery or something that's
fine there's no problem with that at all
it doesn't specify what happens with
everybody strips a soil off the land
which unfortunately is what's happening
at the moment and according to the Food
and Agriculture Organization we have 60
years of soil left I don't I hope I
don't need to explain why I'm sure that
there's a whole list of different yeah
anyway this is a book we're running out
of I'm sure that and the reality is
neoliberalism is an extractive system as
compared to generative yeah that is
basically strip mining humanity and the
planet so so I'm gonna just bounce back
a little bit so the Liberals include
Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Barack
Obama Jimmy Carter Margaret Thatcher
Blair I mean nobody conversation we've
used three different terms rooms it's
their new liberalism I've said market
fundamentalism you've said
libertarianism other people say facture
ism or Reaganism or militarism and it
has so many names because is gone to
great lengths not to be recognized and
not to be defined and when we say
neoliberalism those who defend the
systems they are you conspiracy
theorists there's no such thing you just
invented this insult well this is the
term which was a
used by Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von
Mises and Milton Friedman and the rest
they called themselves neoliberal they
invented this term but in common with
all hegemonic systems which are both
hegemonic and secretive it becomes so
big that we're unable to see it and it
becomes universalized it becomes
internalized and then we then reproduce
it in our own lives and our own thinking
and our own speech without even being
aware that we're doing so give the
elevator pitch description of
neoliberalism well if somebody wanted to
describe neoliberalism they're just
learning about it and they want to be
able to tell their friend about it what
would you tell them is the brief waited
so the neoliberalism conceives human
society is basically being a market and
it's a market which determines who the
winners are and who the losers are and
that government should not seek to
change those social outcomes whoever
comes out on top deserves in this sort
of social Darwinist framing to come out
on top and whoever comes out of the
bottom deserves to come out on the
bottom and if you don't have a job if
you don't have an income that's your
structural issues like mass unemployment
or the closing down of the industries in
your town or whatever that's got nothing
to do with it you are unemployed because
you are lazy and feckless and you just
want to suck the tea to the state that's
you described it as extreme
individualism and extreme competition as
well yeah that's right and and the idea
is that those are the mechanisms by
which this market society proceeds and
and through the extreme competition in
individualism certain people are going
to come to the top and become extremely
wealthy and their wealth is going to
trickle down and enrich everyone so it's
going to be good for all of us that's
that's the story but inequality is a
good thing under neoliberalism because
that allows the rich the total freedom
to blaze those trails and to do what
they want and and the richer they become
apparently the richer all
we'll come despite the fact that it's
creating massive inequality nothing
should be allowed to interfere with them
there should be a trade unions should be
basically stamped out taxes on the rich
should be stamped out to the greatest
extent possible and all public
protections should be removed which
possibly can be in order to grant them
that freedom and if this sounds like a
self-serving racket that is because it's
a self-serving racket now okay but do we
need to take a little break this just a
little ID this is the rob car bottom-up
show sponsored by op-ed on
Pacifica Radio on progressive radio
network on iTunes and iPad
slash podcasts and you're listening to
Jorge Mamba who's got a new book out out
of the wreckage and new politics for an
age of crisis and we've been talking
about neoliberalism so but neoliberalism
and your book you describe is coming
into full power in the 1970s because
which is kind of social democracy
collapsed after having been the dominant
economic model since the depression so
talk about a little bit about the key
jainism in that model and why it
collapsed and why neoliberalism took
over and I guess tie in to how the
story's changed sure sure okay well
let's look at them both the stories and
the interesting thing about them is that
while they are starkly opposed to each
other and and basically are this are the
two great conflicting models of the past
seventy years they have exactly the same
narrative structure this is interesting
so the King Z and social democratic
model tells its story as follows
it says the land was thrown into
disorder by the nefarious activities of
a powerful economic elite who threw
their lady fair ideology in the 19th and
early 20th century basically grabbed all
the wealth of society for themselves and
DeVoe grabbed tremendous political power
and beggared very large numbers of
with dessert secuence this for those
people and the state by remaining out of
the frame was unable to change those
outcomes at all these the crises caused
by that culminated in the Great
Depression which basically broke society
and and broke the prospects of of of the
world's people many of the world's
people but the hero of the story is the
enabling state supported by
working-class and middle-class people
and this state will create a strong
society through building robust public
services and and a rigorous social
safety net so that no one Falls to their
everyone is looked after and in spending
money into the economy to build those
public services and that social safety
net it circulates the income which then
generates jobs which then generate more
income which then increases and sustains
economic growth and brings back restores
order to the lands as a classic
restoration story the neoliberal story
says the world
the land was thrown into disorder by the
nefarious activities of the over
powerful state the collectivizing state
which even in its apparently benign
forms like the u.s. New Deal or the
British welfare state will inevitably
take us to totalitarianism this is my
Hayek called his first famous book the
Road to Serfdom and he says that even
the New Deal was on a spectrum with
Nazism and Stalinism it was because it
crushes individualism it crushes
opportunity and freedom by creating by
some interfering with the natural
hierarchy of winners and losers and
therefore throws the land into disorder
and and will lead to - - to dictatorship
but the hero of the story is yatra
preneur the the the free market
businessperson who by creating space
within the
hit through buying and selling confronts
those nefarious and powerful forces of
the state and restores order in in the
form of the free market society in which
individualism and freedom and
opportunity will be returned therefore
bringing order back to the land and the
interesting thing in both cases is that
hate each other as they might it is the
same narrative arc and the reason for
that is it's a basic narrative arc which
works in politics again and again very
and now I've been very into the Joseph
Campbell's hero's journeys and there's a
lot of archetypal connection to the
hero's journey and it applies across
cultures are there archetypes that are
associated with this well I'm not an
expert I mean I have read Campbell's
series with a hero with a thousand faces
but years ago so I don't think I'm
qualified to talk about how I'm gonna
dig it up and I'll get back to you I
have a feeling because you're right it
is so powerful and it is such a central
political element that there probably
are archetypes associated ya know I'm
sure there are but I would have to I
would have to learn more about it than I
do but timidly with the list but the
other question I had was why did the
story change in the 70s why did the
Keynesian switch to liberal what
happened there sure so there were two
reasons first of all Keynesianism ran
into crisis a number of crises some were
sort of internal endogenous crises like
cost-push inflation and stagflation
others were imposed on it basically by
this a long-term assault by global
finance on the model pulling down
capital controls pulling down fixed
foreign exchange rates for ting the
attempts to create a balanced local
trading system through cases proposed
international clearing Union and
basically vitiate the modern
and so so it was already running into
major trouble but the new Liberals have
been working for 30 years on provide on
creating a new narrative and they've
created a sort of international they've
built up with massive requests from
billionaires a network of think tanks of
academic departments of journalists of
government advisers who had refined and
refined the story through this Mont
Pelerin society that they'd created was
for the one kind of society it was
called the Mont Pelerin Society founded
by friedrich park in 1947 seventy years
ago and so they've spent seventy years
they were really clever you know they
did it with great panache with great
skill and and and Friedman himself said
you know we knew that we weren't going
to get anywhere at the height of
it everybody was Akane's you know
Richard Nixon is alleged to have said
we're all Kansans now because the story
it's the story is no it's not parties or
political leaders who run the world
it's powerful political stories and when
you tell the right story it infects the
minds of people across the political
spectrum and everybody accepts it as a
common sense and in the 1950s and 1960s
everyone accepted Keynesianism as as
common sense and Friedman said we'll
just wait it's going to get into trouble
there's going to be crises and he was
quite uncanny in his predictions of when
and how that crisis would strike and he
said and when the time comes we're just
going to move in and that's what they
did and and they came along and said hey
look it's all right we got a new story
take this and and the government said oh
thank goodness as a new story we'll have
it thank you now the difference between
that and what happened in 2008 when the
neoliberal story hit the rocks even more
spectacularly than the Keynesian story
did in the late 1970s was there's no
story we wish to replace it you know
here is this wide-open opportunity just
waiting for someone to come along and
say okay the old story has failed here's
the new story were rich we replace it
instead people say oh right I'm right
okay that's falling apart what do we do
either we double down on neoliberalism
or maybe we trying to dig up some
Keynesianism from before and so really
what you're trying to do with this book
is you're trying to generate that story
and in Currys and that's a really big
deal yeah yeah it looked it's a highly
ambitious attempt but you know I'm not
alone here
I mean I've built this on the basis of
some fantastic work of lots of different
people and what I hope is that people
will refine and refine what I'm doing
and build on what I'm doing and together
we're going to do this because all the
best things in life are done together
and I think the age of the sort of the
grand persona stroking his beard and
writing his manifesto which alone is
going to change the world that age is
over you know we've got to do these
things together so what what I'm doing
here is is saying look here's a template
here's a framework of thought that we
can start to apply is not the end of it
you know I've laid down some lines here
and I've filled in a few of the colors
within those lines but there's a lot
more to be done and maybe the lines
aren't exactly in the right place maybe
you can help me get them it's so
slightly better aligned but you know so
what I'm trying to do is to tell a new
grand narrative as big as sweeping as
comprehensive as but either Keynesianism
or neoliberalism and because that is the
only thing which is going to bump us out
of this crisis and into the new era that
we need to move into now in your
beginning chapters you talk about Hell
for a political story to work and and
you're saying that any of these
political stories are restoration
stories for support a new restoration
narrative to work it has to be built on
principles yes well that's we built on
values which then build principles and
with and use those principles to inform
that the story and that's what happening
and it's not happening I mean at the
moment you know if I can just describe
these treats
three different things that work here
the values are the bedrock of any
person's politics and and a value is
generally something you can describe
with a single word and it is and your
values are the qualities which you push
forward most as being the things that
are most important so for instance your
values might be composed of strength
resilience courage or they might be
composed of of of wisdom or of empathy
or benevolence but you know one of the
extraordinary things about our movements
is we we haven't identified the values
which I'm to pin them we haven't said to
ourselves okay what are our values let's
list them and let's be able to describe
them without embarrassment so that's
your bedrock is is your values and you
know I think the values which should
underpin our movement are altruism
empathy community feeling
self-acceptance kindness towards others
so that those should be the bedrock
values so that you know we can always
refer back to those who say I'll be I'll
be living by our values do our
principles reflect our values and does
our story reflect our values so the
principles then are the soil derived
from the bedrock and the principles are
the basic and unchanging notions are on
the grounds of which we want to run
society so we might say we want to live
in a world in which everyone has access
to good education throughout their lives
that's a principle and it's a principle
which can arise from the the basic
values that we have we want to live in a
world in which the needs of everyone are
met without exceeding the carrying
capacity of the living planet and
therefore destroying our own lives
that's another principle sustainable was
that system yeah I mean our value can be
sustainability whatever that me
it's visible it's a bit of a woolly word
so I tend not to use it but you can say
okay my value is sustainability so the
principle a principle arising from that
value is that everything we do should
operate within the environmental limits
of the natural world so no so that's
value translated into principle so we
should also be able to list our
principles to name them to do this to be
able to explain them without hesitation
or embarrassment but the values were
decreased reached in the beginning of
the book yeah so I've listed about 16 or
17 basic do you want me to revonnah two
of them two to two years sure the show I
mean maybe I should dump maybe I should
have memorized them but we want to live
in a place guided by empathy respect
justice generosity courage fun and love
so in this case it's a principle which
is overtly mentioning values number two
we want to live in a place governed by
judgments that are honestly made
supported by evidence accountable and
transparent number three we want to live
in a place in which everyone's needs are
met without harming the living world or
the prosperity of future generations and
it goes on like that so there's sixteen
of them but and so basically what those
principles do is to describe the world
in which we want to live that's the sort
that that's the that's the promised land
we're trying to reach but the principles
themselves are not the story the values
are not the story the story should
reflect those principles and those
values it can't incorporate all of them
because it would be a very clunky story
if they tried to overtly incorporate all
of them but it should create the
overarching narrative framework into
which the values and principles are
embedded and can easily be brought
forward so the story is that basic
framework of the restoration story and
and the way I tell it is we're the
spectacularly altruistic species our
capacity our good nature our capacity
for altruism and kindness towards others
is has been
sorted by this ideology which puts
selfishness and greed first to the
extent that we start to internalize that
to believe that and to behave like that
but we the heroes of the story are going
to restore our good nature not change
human nature reveal human nature reveal
ourselves for the really amazing
creatures that we are by rebuilding
community from the bottom up it's we're
going to do this by creating real
community communities with real power
communities with real resources at their
disposal communities which are not
community in name but community in
action and building those communities we
rebuild a generous inclusive politics
which allows us to express our better
nature we at the same time must change
governments and and ensure and we've got
some clever strategies for doing this
now that we get governments that reflect
that as well but in creating this in
restoring our good nature we restore and
all those fundamental principles that we
want to see equitable economists living
within the means of the Living Planet
everybody treated with respect and
dignity all of those fundamental
principles can then be applied once we
restore the amazing thing that is human
nature and you know I'm always bringing
up one of my favorite researchers and
dharshan or vias wrote a book about the
neurobiology neurobiology and the
development of human morals and what she
basically said is that before
civilization humans are all the things
you described and when they were living
in small hunter-gatherer bands even
before thrives and there are hundreds of
different genetic character kinetic
elements that are part of making us
those incredibly altruistic beings no
civilization came along and domination
of and domestication of animals and
ownership of land and domination of
people and ownership of people
that really blocked all these elements
of being the altruistic wonderful humans
we are and and you use the word return
and so you know the fact is there's a
lot of research that shows that our
neurobiology is built for that but a lot
of it is repressed and yes that's so
true and I agree with you the community
is and going back to local going away
from centralization is is the way to do
it and the thing that makes sense of
community and this is crucial turtle I
mean one of the grand mistakes that
almost everyone has been making is is
that we position us eles politically
along a linear scale we say like there's
a state at one end of the scale there's
a market at the other end of the scale
how much state do you want how much
market you and if you want a lot of
state you're on the left if you want a
lot of market you're on the right and
that's how we define ourselves
politically and that seems to make sense
it's set for an inconvenient fact that
there are four sectors to the economy
there's a state there's a market there's
a household and there's the Commons but
we only ever talk about the state in the
market now the result of only over
talking about the state in the market is
the number one the household which is
the core economy and without the
household there would be no economy
because children wouldn't go to school
and they wouldn't be fed and they
wouldn't be loved and they would be
incapable of being functional adults and
that means that when that is disregarded
women's work is disregarded because
women still do most of that work and and
it's unrewarded and women are basically
just seen as almost invisible in the
economy in fact there's a wonderful book
by Kettering Marcel called um who cook
Adam Smith's dinner and it describes how
while he was writing The Wealth of
Nations the invisible hands of his
mother were doing all the work and he
come-to written the modern The Wealth of
Nations felt the invisible hands of his
mother but he didn't knowledge at all
and she just didn't exist and the whole
household economy did not exist as an
economic driver in his worldview so
that's the household the food
that secretary the economy but then
there's a Commons and the Commons is so
neglected that you had to explain to
people what it is because people have
never heard of it and they can't define
it I know you I go to meetings of really
source mobs politics students they're
all economic students and say hands up
who knows what the Commons is you know
one or two hands will go up at a
remember four hundred people it's an
extraordinary thing and yet it's one of
the four sectors of the economy so the
Commons a Commons is a resource which is
controlled and managed by a community
for the benefit of that community
through a set of rules and negotiations
which decide how that source can be
sustained in perpetuity and and how the
benefits can be shared on an equitable
basis among its members it's a non
capitalist economy in its true form it's
it's based on something and I want to
throw in a little bit more you yeah
you've you've written a book you've done
a lot of work with indigenous people and
Papua New Guinea and when you talk about
the Commons and all these rules for
shared ownership ownership itself is is
a concept that we have kind of taken to
an extreme hmm in indigenous cultures
that ownership doesn't even exist just
putting that on the table that ownership
is your option sure so I use the words
controlled and managed
you could also say stewarded or God you
could call it a guardianship you but I
you know that word ownership you're
quite right is not the right word so um
and and so and the idea that you own the
land for example is just completely
alien to most indigenous people I mean
this was an idea which only really took
root in the 16th century in England it's
a very recent idea and then was spread
when you know landowners in the people
who cooked said that they owned the land
for grabbing it from everybody else do
you know the history you know the
history at the beginning of land
you just said there's a great there's a
great book called owning the earth by
Andrew Linklater which which discusses
this it's really fascinating there's
another one called this land is our land
by Mary Ann short and and they both give
really powerful descriptions of what
happens so and it started in England
which is interesting from my point of
view because I live in England and then
the model was spread to Ireland and to
Scotland and basically millions of
people were dispossessed a land was
grabbed the the big landlord said this
is no ours you're off no trespassing
signs anyone comes back you're going to
get beaten up or you're going to get
to clear off into the slums where you
belong and and what happened in those
circumstances was that everything fell
apart community was ripped apart these
very rich communities with their
ceremonial lives with their festivals
with their with all working together a
very rich community culture was just
completely destroyed and people were
scattered to the four winds many people
died of starvation many were arrested
for vagrancy branded for vagrancy some
people were transported many people
transported t
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