Broadcast 1/17/2011 at 1:13 PM EST (22 Listens, 15 Downloads, 653 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Gary lives with two other men in 88 square feet-- including lockers, all of their belongings-- the sleep on a cot with a mattress that's about an inch and half thick that had been labeled "for disaster use only for people weighing under 140 pounds."
Gary has chronic pain and they have not given him any medicine for pain and have now falsified his medical records.... they are pure fabrications.
Gary signed a release for his medical records to be given to Senator Shelby. Â Included a letter from the warden saying that Gary is doing great.
He is not doing great. There are no legitimate indications that he's doing great. He's in pain. They won't give him Celebrex, which costs less than Gary buying Tylenol or other medication for
Edgeville Federal Sattellite Camp
Warden  M.M. Miller
But we know that she is gone. "she authorized her signature to be affixed to this letter.
She has been promoted to a job in Atlanta and still was paying attention to such a minor infraction-- because prisoners wear green. Â Â But she was never told she could never wear green. Other visitors were wearing green and not punished.
Can't wear anything too tight, anything too loose. If you show up with anything you can't wear, the person at the desk is supposed to call the captain and say that this person  is not complying with the dress code and then captain can either tell you can't visit or let you visit anyway. Nobody told me. Two hours into the visit, a guard, who Gary and I have filed complaints against, told me that I needed to leave my coat on beacause I was wearing green. I already had my coat on.
See Joan Brunwasser's article for more details
The Devil's in the Details: More Tales from Edgefield Federal Prison
William Mackelburg, the adminstrator at the Edgeville Federal Satellite Camp told Judy they were not happy with the
Gary was threatened by a prison employee that he'd be put in solitary confinement if he would report complaints. The employee was promoted.
Edgeville Police department had warrants for arrest of someone who had threatened an employee.
I saw a bumper sticker "I love my country but I fear my government. I used to be one of those people who used to believe that there are safeguards in place for our government.
I know that there are a people of power who can cause tremendous problems and pain for my family and me...
There's nobody on the planet who's been b
I understand that there are people who have been unhappy with me, bu it "s the truth that they're really unhappy with and they rally can't allow the truth to report what is going on. It is the truth that they must shut up.
Are you afraid that t his interview may cause reactions.
I am aware that the interview may cause reactions, because I cannot be afraid because the t things that matter most to me are the things that matter most to Americans--
". Â I hope that Americans will stand up for people who are disenfranchised. I cannot sit idly and know that my husband is in danger and do nothing, because if I do and everybody else does it's just going to continue and it's going to get worse. There'll be no improvement for anybody.
When we have become the countryt that imprisons more of our citizens than any other country in the world, does that many that our citizens are worse or there's something wrong with our system. I don't believe that American citizens are the most law breaking people in the world.
There is not one person who is safer because Gary's in prision. There's no protecting the public interest. It's entirely punitive.
Knowing he's not guilty-- it erodes trust and belief in our government.
Effect of OpEdNews publishing story.
It's been costly, but at the same it's been gratifying in ways, because there have been people-- I'm being limited in what I have to say-- there are people who have expressed gratitude and the feeling that there are small changes that are resulting, small steps that are being taken that will lead to something better for them. There are seeds of hope that something can or may be done. A lot of the people who say, Where can I read about this. And others tell me about other abuses that have been done. And I'm protectively passing them along, info about other abuses that Gary has not suffered but others have suffered.
People approach me and tell me that because of the information that is being put out by that it will lead to something better. Since then, sometimes, people ask, and this probably another reason they don't want me to visit the prison. When I started doing that, we're not allowed to have pens in the visiting room and are not allowed to speak to each other in the visiting room. We have to meet at McDonalds to exchange names and phone numbers and opednews dot com.
The employees of the prison who are uncomfortable. The families of the prisoners don't want to step otu because they don't want their family member to be treated the way Gary's been treated, but they do appreciate what you're doing. I think if it hadn't been for Joan, when they lost heat and it was freezing overnight... and Joan itnerviewed me and publicized that there was no heat and they were doing nothing for 2200 freezing prisioners-- lack of heat , lack of hot water, no extra blankets. Their uniform is a short sleeved green shirt. They will not even give them a long sleeve shirt for the winter.
So, Gary has been punished because of your communications with Joan.
Yes..... Â details described....
Guard B. Ingram demeaned us suggesting I was Gary's daughter and not his wife, though he had info and knew the fact that I was a wife, Â and lied, that I'd been rude to him, threatened that if I did it again I would not be allowed to visit him.
Told me that the duty officer was not available. Judy called using her phone and got the duty officer, who said that Guard Ingram should have used his radio to get her.
When I left, Gary was strip-searched for the first time. The strip search was done violating rules.
Now, because Joan reported this, they at least put up a partition... They're still strip searched. It seems to apply but not to other peopel. it's retaliatory and abusive and really should never happen, but it does, but being silent about it is not anything I can do and not anything Gary wants me to do. Gary is inside the prison filing complaints and they're doing nothing about it.
Administrative remedy process -- they don't give him the form or don't file the form, or the form just goes away, so they ignore legitimate complaints that are submitted through the administrative remedy process that  is part of the Prison reform act.
They listen to all of mine and Gary's phone conversations.... but they are not allowed to look at legal materials that are marked as such. They are required to provide three cubic feet of space for their legal materials. Gary was called in, and without asking for it, Gary was given a bin for his legal materials. I'm certain.
Size: 37,449,383 -- 1 hrs, 18 min, 0 sec