Broadcast 6/26/2019 at 11:20 AM EDT (12 Listens, 7 Downloads, 2794 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Kelvin Campbell author of Massive Small Change
Kelvin Campbell is a collaborative urbanist and writer. He is the chair of Smart Urbanism and the Massive Small Collective. A Former visiting professor in urban design at the University of Westminster and chairman of the Urban Design Group, Campbell is now honorary professor at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London,
Kelvin Campbell Massive Small; Part 1 Kelvin Campbell has written an incredible resource that is changing the world. He explores how we need to shift to more bottom-up, small approaches for big, ...
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Funded book/project with a highly successful kickstarter campaign.
Pre and during interview notes;
What is massive small?
Tell a story
"Harnessing the collective power of many small ideas and actions to make a big difference. "
The system is not broken: it was built this way.
The System
"Things happen despite government, not because of it. Instead of waiting for the authorities or established organizations to act, people are getting going themselves."
"Too often, people's energy is obstructed by our top-down systems." " the system works against them, stifling their initiative and knocking them back.
"Radical incrementalism"
Lean urbanism
no city is doing massive small better than berlin.
Social capital
System change
Closed vs open system
Top-down systems need to be evolved to release the potentials for greater bottom-up activity
Why do systems fail?
They treat cities as things that are ordered and mechanical, as problems to be solved, not as complex places of rich and dirverse possibility where people use their ingenuity and energy to make things happen.
Is the system broken?
Shifting from centralized top down to distributed bottom up
Paradigm shift
From big to small government
Why big plans fail
Bigness model vs Massive Small model
Bottom-up systems don't work without some form of top-down activity
What is a top down system
Talk about top down tools, tactics and strategies
Talk about a bottom-up System
Talk about bottom-up tools, tactics and strategies
How can we reconcile conflicts and potentials between BU and TD?
Complex vs simple
Dee Hocksimple principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior
Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior
The antidote to bigness P 84
Small acts, stories
Picasso: "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them lke an artist"
Simple rules vs complex rules
Open: Open environments, standards
The Way
Active citizenship
The grid
Changeevolution not revolution
What is change?
Giantism is the first sign of failure
Leopold Kohr: Whenever something's wrong something is too big.
Kirkpatrick Sale Human Scale
The bigger-is-better paradigm that has defined modern times has brought civilization to a crisis point.
Harness people's latent creativity harnessing the collective power of many small ideas and actions.
People trying to do bottom up projects get stifled by the system.
Big solutions are lazy ways of solving complex problems.
You criticize urban planning
Participatory, bottom-up budgeting
We need a form of top-down that works with bottom-up
Vernacular emerges from bottom up
Operating system is self organizing, which is much more open and connected
Strive for organized complexity, which emerges from a bottom up system
What does top down need to be to release bottom up?
Conditions, rules, leadership
Can sound libertarian
Need to get human habitat right
Paradigmalready underway happening despite government. People are saying we can't wait for things to happen.
The system doesn't work for the bulk of the world at the moment.
Must turn state and top-down around.
"Your work is fantastic. Wish I had have seen your book while I was writing mine."
Distributed vs central systems.
Organized Complexity
So much of our thinking is about looking backwards. If you only look at the rear view mirror, all you see is dust.
BU is Grass roots, collective action
TD is government at all levels tools and tactics that add up to be the system.
New contract between top-down and bottom-up
Most strategic initiatives are driven from the top and don't happen.
Need to move away from this predictive plan modelto a more feedback review driven approach.
Run systems in parallel
Look for soliutions to bigness
Size: 83,534,912 -- 0 hrs, 58 min, 0 sec