Broadcast 8/30/2020 at 8:53 AM EDT (19 Listens, 16 Downloads, 2227 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of Monopolies
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Rob Kall, Author: Rob Kall) Details Source DMCA
Thom's most recent book is The Hidden History of Monopolies: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream
We discuss how monopolies are bad for America, for the middle class and humanity. The automated transcript is at the bottom here.
Thom Hartmann is a progressive national and internationally syndicated talk show host, described by Talkers magazine as America's most important progressive host and one of the top ten radio shows in the country every year for over a decade. He is also a New York Times bestselling author of 26 books.
His most recent book is The Hidden History of Monopolies: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream
Define monopoly and how you compare it to cancer
And what is the Sherman anti-trust act of 1890 and what happened to it?
One view is the economy has to serve the people
The people serve the controllers of the economy
We are at the cancer stage of capitalism
Monopoly's only competitor is the Federal government
Covid 19 and monopolies?
Reagan brought celebration of mergers and acquisitions
History of Monopolies
History of resistance
You say "The whole idea of government grew out of ancient families tribes and clans, who worked together to protect the youngest, the oldest and weakest members of their hunter-gatherer communities.
Monopolists needed to persuade people that government was the enemy.
Patents and copyrights as monopolies
What role have NJ and Delaware played in enabling the, as Matt Taibi might describe, the giant squid nature of corporations?
How is the crash of 29 similar to the Trump crash of 2020 for big vs small companies?
And until the 50's it was called "The Republican Great Depression?"
Roosevelt and fascism
Food monopolies
What happened to the Middle Class?
Reagan lowered taxesended up stealing increased productivity benefits from workers.
Borking of America40 years agohe opposed anti-trust laws and wiped out bottom-up economics based on the idea that bigger was better for consumers. But he didn't include externalities. He never considered"
Economic Immune System
European Maximum wage laws
Corporations could be positive positive community touchstones and stakeholders
How Monopolists took over government
SCOTUS judge Lewis Powell's vision
Natural monopolies
Thing preventing the US from recovering from privatization
Starving the beastReagan and Trumpgrover norquist
Social Secuirty, USPS, Internal Revenue, EPA, USDA
Talk about the commons.
Enforce laws, change how Supreme court translates laws
Democracy's immune systemmiddle class
Replace Bork's consumer welfare framework
Break up Internet giants
Bring back corporate death penalty
Ban preemption laws written by corporations
Monopolies are bad for business?
Where do Libertarians and Republicans fit into the story of monopolies? And Democrats?
And what's the history of Libertarianism?
Automated transcript: sorry for the formatting, it's the way it comes from Youtube.
my guest for this show, a
repeat guest and a dear friend
is tom hartman he's a progressive
national and internationally syndicated
talk show host
described by talkers magazine as
america's most important progressive host
and one of the top 10 radio shows in the
country every year for over a decade
he's also a new york times best-selling
author of over 26 books that have come
out in multiple languages his
website is that's
great to have you back thanks although
however you spell my website it'll get
you there we have all four misspellings
i forgot about that yeah thanks for
having me rob it's great to be here with
you on your podcast
so we're here today to talk about your
new book which is part of a hidden
series this one is a hidden history of
monopolies how big business destroyed
the american dream
right it's a it's a great book it's it's
it's it's not a big book
but it's just as every book you write it
is so
packed with history and fact and
updated numbers it's just
you're you're an amazing writer you
really are and this is just another one
of the great books that you do and i
highly recommend it
with a forward by ralph nader by the way
he his forward is just great
yeah yes that's right um
so what's a monopoly let's start off
with the definition of a monopoly
and throw in how you compare it to
well cancer is where uh
one individual cell in the body and it
always starts with one
cell decides that it is going
to be the cell it is going to take all
the nutrients it's going to multiply
and uh and suck in all the all the
rest of the nutrients in the body it
they do cancers
cancerous tumors develop their own blood
system their own vascular network
they they basically drain the body of
nutrients and this is why
typically when people have cancer if
they live long enough to to wither up
and die that's what happens they wither
up and die
they get you know they lose weight until
they become
in many cases skeletal and
it's because the cancer is taking all
the nutrients monopolies do the same
and i think cancer is a very good
analogy for monopoly
monopoly is where one company or in the
case of what's referred to as
oligopoly more broadly i use the term
monopoly to describe these as well in
the book although i make that
is where a single company or a small
group of companies
dominate an industry dominate a market
uh whether it's retail whether it's
restaurants whether it's hotels whether
it's movie theaters whether it's
whether it's banks uh you know whether
it's fast food where you have to pick
media pick your uh market sector
uh pretty much every market sector in
the united states i mean right down to
things like
like uh crafts and you know arts and
crafts stuff
uh pretty much every consequential
market sector in the united states is
now dominated by between three and five
in a monopolistic fashion and what this
is um it it eliminates competition i
mean it's the whole point of monopoly in
the first place
uh and by reducing competition you
things like market um uh
i was gonna say versatility what
innovation you reduce innovation you
reduce inventiveness you know companies
are not as nimble on their feet they're
looking for ways to constantly you know
compete against the other guy
and with a better and new and improved
so in terms of the product itself uh it
as a result of monopoly anybody who's
been on an airplane in the last 15 years
knows what i'm talking about
it also hurts the employees employees
lose their bargaining power when they
can't take the expertise in an
industry that they have developed and go
to another player in that industry
very easily it also
hurts customers uh i guess i've
kind of defined that by you know how in
uh in the early part of the book i think
it's in the preface or the first chapter
i talk about how uh there's pretty good
actually very good research showing
from economic policy institute and other
groups showing that the average american
pays every year about five thousand
dollars per family
per year in basically a monopoly tax in
higher profits
excuse me higher prices uh for all kinds
of things internet service for example
uh one gig up one gig down internet
which is ten times faster than most
americans even have access to
is around 25 bucks a month in most
european countries
here you get you know 50 mips
50 you know 0.5 0.05 gigs
for 100 80 70
it's uh same thing with cell phone
service in in uh most european countries
cell phone service 20 25 bucks a month
in fact very often it's bundled with
your internet service the whole thing is
less than 35
a month and in some cases uh in france
for example that includes television
and it's because they have over a
thousand different internet service
providers in france
and and and you know several dozen phone
company providers so they actually
have laws that prevent monopolies that's
the the uh the laws that america had i
we pioneered this in the 1880s with the
sherman anti-trust act
but the laws that we put into place and
the laws that were vigorously enforced
and expanded on and amplified by
you know in particular teddy roosevelt
william howard taft administrations but
numerous administrations over the years
including the eisenhower administration
those rules were adopted
enthusiastically by europe
and um and we backslid on that which is
i think one of the big
ahas of the book but just to finish what
monopoly is and how it impacts people
um basically a a company a corporation
a group of constituencies there are the
customers obviously uh there are the
uh another constituency that the
corporation should owe some loyalty to
it should respond to
there's the community in which the
corporation operates whether that's a
local community for a local business or
whether it's the nat
you know the nation as a whole um
there's the institution of the
corporation itself
and and then there's the stockholders
in the 1960s early 70s a guy by the name
of robert bork
um who came out of the chicago school
you know
a student of milton uh milton friedman's
robert bork came up with this idea that
all of these different constituencies uh
with one single exception are
irrelevant that corporations should no
have to or be judged by
uh those people who are deciding whether
or not they're a monopoly i think before
we get to that
i think you should tell us what the
sherman antitrust act of 1890 was
work is responding to that right right
in part yeah and
and and several other laws that amended
it and amplified it and expanded it
um the sherman antitrust act basically
said that any
uh company or collection of companies
that behave in a monopolistic fashion
uh in order to limit competition in the
have committed a crime and and the
companies and their executives can be
held criminally liable for that
yeah you know and also of course there's
civil penalties
so it outlawed this and the ultimate
enforcement of that is up to the supreme
court and that's
you know the borg story and the right so
go ahead now now
my understanding reading what you said
about work in the book
is that bork basically argued that
the whole idea is make things the best
for consumers as possible
so if a monopoly makes things cheaper
for consumers
that's better i would agree except i
wouldn't use the word best because
as i pointed out monopolies tend to
stifle innovation
but they can keep prices low right yeah
the prices
price right and so go ahead just my take
on it you know because you know
i call this the bottom up show is that
what bork left out
was all of the
externalities all of the things that
are good that come from small businesses
that don't get into the accounting of
people like milton friedman and his
of of economics and and so
burke you know everybody talks about him
as being brilliant
but you know you talk in the book about
you know he probably didn't even
research what the the actual writers
of the german antitrust act intended
and then what he did he lied about it
and then he left out all the
as they're not important yeah i don't
think he was brilliant i think he was a
grifter uh he was a con man
um you know acting on behalf of large
you know this this is all kind of
parallel to the uh to the power memo
uh this all came out of that same
ferment in the late sixties and early
of you know it's time for big business
to stand up on its
back legs and and you know take over the
and yeah now is the pet was the pet was
the pad mammal memo the project for a
new american century
no no the palmetto came on 1971 lewis
powell was a lawyer for the tobacco
industry in virginia
and he wrote this memos in 1971
it was considered very bad form for
businesses to be political and this was
in part because
fdr had had these major battles in the
30s with big business and he had just
beaten them to a pulp and there were
laws that said
if businesses got involved in politics
they they were committing a crime well
there were a lot it wasn't so much they
were committing a crime as
that their political activity was not
tax deductible if they tried to conceal
on their balance sheets then it was a
um and there were some things that
corporations couldn't do
uh just flat out um and in some states
corporate political activity had been
limited but almost all of those limits
were blown apart
in the 1890s but the
uh but the bottom line is that uh you
boric was bork was dancing to the tune
of giant corporations who wanted to get
rid of
metal some competition it's kind of the
bottom line
i i just remember when he was uh up for
the supreme court and people were saying
what a travesty it was such a brilliant
was not going to get on the court yeah
no he was a racist he was a misogynist
uh he hated he was a homophobe he hated
gay people
um robert bork was a sick toxic
twisted little man and a forerunner of
the typical
member of congress for republicans
yeah yeah he was jim jordan before jim
jordan was jim jordan
sure so
so work change things yeah bork made
this argument and he wrote a
good-sized book i i should i've got it
in my library here someplace i don't
know exactly where i should get it out
so i can wave it around
um but he wrote this book in
as i recall the early 70s in which he
rather forcefully and with much pomp and
circumstance and
any and throughout the book he's
constantly referring to himself
as being brilliant as being innovative
as being inside
i mean the book is a pathetic read but
the essence of the book was
we don't as a country we don't need to
concern ourselves with a corporate
with the impact of corporate monopolies
or monopolistic behavior
on communities on employees
on uh customers outside of prices
um on the institution the corporation
itself if corporations end up getting
bought out by other corporations or even
being dismantled and sold off that's all
um the only thing that matters is how
much consumers are paying for product
consumer pricing and you know that's
uh that was his pitch it got picked up
and adopted by the reagan administration
um and this and then
and then you know over the course of a
decade and a half or so
the supreme court picked it up i think
the gte sylvania case was the first one
where they really really went
uh all bork and
uh the supreme court uh has basically
rewritten the rules they've
reinterpreted the sherman act and
several others that followed it
and as a result of that um monopolistic
behavior is not only tolerated
in the united states it was celebrated
by ronald reagan you and you you and i
are both old enough to remember that
you know the hot thing starting in a big
way in front 83
was uh m a you know the masters of the
universe were these
m a artists they call themselves people
like michael milken mergers and
and what they did was they took you know
a dozen small companies and jam or
medium-sized companies jammed them all
together one giant corporation
and eliminated competition and also
eliminated redundancies you didn't have
you know a dozen different accounting
departments a dozen different sales
and as a consequence of that you could
cut the number of employees
radically to produce the same product
because now you dominate the marketplace
you don't have to
compete with other companies and so you
know it led to
massive layoffs i mean this was one of
the major sources of layoffs
in the 80s 90s in the first decade of
the 2000s
was um was the this uh
increasing monopolization of every
single one of our industries
now and then you talked about powell now
what did he do he wrote this
letter yeah what paul he he wrote as a
letter to eugene cinder
who was one of his neighbors in virginia
and was the president
of the um uh
what do you call the business
association chamber of commerce
yeah the chamber the u.s chamber of
commerce thank you very much at least to
get our insurance through when i was in
um uh so eugene cinder was the head of
the of the us chamber of commerce and
and um and powell wrote him this
confidential memo it's got confidential
all over it
and uh in that memo he said basically uh
businesses in america since the 30s have
been afraid to
express political you know or even
engage in politics have been afraid to
to support politicians have been afraid
to uh
you know get involved in all this and
it's time for corporations basically to
rise up and take over this country
it's time for uh and and and not just
you know the the people the corporations
have made rich
we are being we are the downtrodden and
the fact the matter is 1971 when he
wrote this
that's the richest five percent of
americans their income was going up
but it was not going up as rapidly as
the bottom eighty percent of americans
so you know bork was like you know we
got to change this and he laid out a
prescription for this he said you know
we need to seize control of our schools
we need to be writing the textbooks for
you know primary and secondary schools
now we need to get control of our
colleges we need wealthy people to endow
departments like political science
departments and economics departments
so that they can control the content we
need to build think tanks so that we can
control the dialogue and debate in the
united states around
issues of consequence to business into
um we need to seize control of the media
and develop our own media
um we need you know and he just went
through all of these stuff you know we
we need to seize control of politics we
need to
you know basically target a political
party and take it over if not both
and um it was a wake-up call and
and is specific you know it's ironic
because ralph nader wrote the forward of
this book
and specifically in the palomal
lewis powell says ralph nader who three
years earlier four years earlier had
written unsafe at any speed and taken on
the auto
industry he said ralph nader is trying
to destroy the american way of life
along with rachel carlson who was who
had started the uh the
environmental the environmental movement
yeah and
and uh powell named them in the memo
and said you know these guys are going
to take us down the road to soviet-style
marxism if we don't rise up and push
and that led to within three or four
the creation of the heritage foundation
the cato institute
uh the uh the uh competitive uh
enterprise institute um the uh i believe
that the iron ran foundation had already
been started at that point
um but but all of these you know giant
right wing think tanks or most of them
many of them
um alec the american legislative
exchange council the
the all of these came out of the powwow
memo and
the other thing that came out of the
paul mill was
uh he was very influential on the
supreme you know to the supreme court
his writings were taken very seriously
by conservative
um scholars and a lot of powell's
writings and and works writings for that
Size: 83,534,912 -- 0 hrs, 58 min, 0 sec