Broadcast 10/26/2013 at 2:48 PM EDT (12 Listens, 19 Downloads, 1032 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Robin Chase is founder of Buzzcar, and before that Zip Car. She's been listed among Time Magazine's 100 most influential people.
I heard her speak at this years personal democracy forum and she blew me away with her presentation, talking about new kinds of bottom up approaches to doing business.
My VERY rough notes-- mostly questions.
Can you talk about Zipcar and what made it unique?
Consumers vs. Collaborators.
Bottom up transition.
"Industrialization came at the expense of localness and uniqueness."
Can you give some background on peer to peer and peers incorporated.
"We wouldn't say that yard sales are the same thing as Ebay or that craft fairs are the same thing as Etsy."
Can you spell out exactly what peer to peer is and how it is different than peers incorporated.
Bottom up as a value"
The End of Big: How the Internet Makes David the New Goliath [Nicco Mele
platforms and economies of scale--
I've written about the need to come up with ways for companies to do big, to develop strong economies of scale without merging or being acquired or turning into giant companies.
It seems your thoughts on platforms may apply here.
Peers incorporated
Open APIs
Facebook becoming more and more onerous
It's about balance between top down and bottom up.
The difference between Facebook and wikipedia is wikipedia sets rules and regulations that
There's power over and power with.
Websites have curation and rules"
Collaborators vs customers or consumers.
How is a collaborator economy different from a consumer economy?
"Authentic engagement"
Consumerism and ever expanding production-- is not sustainable.
3D printing is returning making it yourself to people.
Sol griffith otherlab
You talked about the hotel business and airbnb and scale.
Are airbnb and couch surfing disruptive? Are they changing the hotel industry?
Can you describe a little bit what airbnb does and how it works?
Buzzcar is your new project. What is it?
How's that going?
You mentioned briefly, global warming. What's your connection or interest in global warming?
Effect of peers incorporated on global warming?
It seems to me that this peers incorporated approach could help help global warming.
Can't solve exponential problems with linear solutions.
Bill Joy "founder of sun microsystems., says,
there's smart people outside the room than inside the room."
When I asked Craig Newmark of Craigslist about the big new thing on the web, his answer was trust.
Size: 28,841,760 -- 1 hrs, 0 min, 5 sec