Commander's Commentary - Integrity First > 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg(Image by Details DMCA 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg" title="Commander's Commentary - Integrity First > 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg">A great article: "Our primary biological drive includes hunger, thirst, and sex. The other long-recognized drive is our response to rewards and punishments in our environment. Cheating is a byproduct of high-performance cultures. Pressure to achieve (to win) is the number one reason people cheat.Those who win are respected regardless if they broke the rules; cheating is perceived as an acceptable means to achieve a higher goal, but the reward encourages us to focus on the short-term win rather than the long-term effect — incentives narrow our vision\. The most critical drive is “Intrinsic Motivation: ”behavior that is driven by internal rewards — it arises from within because it is naturally satisfying to you.

173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg" alt="GoogleImages (Commander's Commentary - Integrity First > 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg)" class="wwscontentsmaller">Commander's Commentary - Integrity First > 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg
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Details DMCA 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg" title="Commander's Commentary - Integrity First > 173rd Fighter Wing ...781 Ã-- 447 - 40k - jpg">
A great article: "Our primary biological drive includes hunger, thirst, and sex. The other long-recognized drive is our response to rewards and punishments in our environment. Cheating is a byproduct of high-performance cultures. Pressure to achieve (to win) is the number one reason people cheat.Those who win are respected regardless if they broke the rules; cheating is perceived as an acceptable means to achieve a higher goal, but the reward encourages us to focus on the short-term win rather than the long-term effect — incentives narrow our vision\. The most critical drive is “Intrinsic Motivation: ”behavior that is driven by internal rewards — it arises from within because it is naturally satisfying to you.
Read the rest of the story HERE:

I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)