"Mr. Maher has a unique perspective. He resides at that most treacherous intersection where free speech meets government power and political passion, dodging traffic from left and right. Donald J. Trump, who Mr. Maher said “lives for vengeance,” has won control over the most powerful instruments of the government, like the Justice Department, and, more to the point, the F.B.I. "No one knows what this man is capable of,” Maher said.“It is a very troubling idea that the F.B.I. is politicized. When the internal police department is politicized, that’s a place I don’t want to be on the wrong side of — I mean, that’s fascism.” “We’re the losers now, so it behooves us to break out of that bubble more,” he said. Mr. Maher has no plans to “take the poison out of the pen and keyboard” (something Kellyanne Conway wants) when his show comes back from hiatus on inauguration day, Jan. 20."