High Crimes and Misdemeanors. - a.k.a. .Liar, Liar ... Pants on ...
(Image by qwealthreport.com) Details DMCA
North Carolina’s state Senate leader Phil Berger (R) is no stranger to pushing bald-faced lies out to the public. A couple of years ago he was one of the more egregious Republicans in his peddling of false Obamacare horror stories. It turns out that once a liar, always a liar in state Rep. Berger’s case as his staff has been completely making up false headlines for news outlet stories, in order to attack North Carolina’s newly elected Democratic Gover Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. The person managing Berger’s page used a little-known Facebook tool to change the headline on the article being shared, making it appear that the headline was written by the news organization. A typical user of Facebook can’t make such a change, but a manager of a professional or group page can. Facebook says Berger’s use of the tool violates its policies."