"ONE persistent narrative in American politics is that Hillary Clinton is a slippery, compulsive liar while Donald Trump is a gutsy truth-teller. Trump voters argue that Clinton is an inveterate liar and crook, yet when pressed they draw from the same handful of examples." "Let’s investigate" says Dowd: PolitiFact: 27 percent of Clinton’s statements it looked at were mostly false compared with 70% of Trump’s. It said 2% of HRC's statements it reviewed were “pants on fire” lies, compared with 19% of Trump’s - nine times the share of flat-out lies!" You don’t need to go back 8 years to find a Trump embellishment; 8 minutes is more than sufficient. In March, Politico chronicled a week of Trump remarks and found on average one misstatement every 5 minutes. The Huffington Post once chronicled 71 inaccuracies in an hourlong town hall session — more than one a minute." Read the facts!