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Dazed and confused, Johnson stumbles into the twilight zone with a police escort

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molly cruz
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Was it only five weeks ago that Conservatives believed the prime minister was the only possible answer to their problems, asks Guardian columnist Marina Hyde......" As a dispatch box artiste, Johnson has all the accomplishment of one of those pisshead chancers who go house to house at 10pm in December and “carol sing” for pub money. His delivery was that of a man finding out in real time that material which slayed at the accountancy corporate he did in 2007 is less well received by those who haven’t drunk themselves to within an hour of renal failure.

Read the rest of the story HERE:

At www.theguardian.com
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Born in Long Island public school year in Sweden as exchange student, went to Harvard one year, Cooper Union in NYC as Art student. Have two children, one of whom is rock mogul, the other has three daughters, one of whom has two daughters, making me (more...)
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