Tara Samples (L) and Dennis Kucinich (R), Ohio gubernatorial candidates
(Image by Kucinich Campaign) Details DMCA
Successful political campaigns sometimes catch a breeze they never counted on because of some unexpected occurrence that changes public attitudes... The most recent mass shooting, which occurred Feb. 14 in Florida, should not be described as unexpected (but) What’s different with the killings of students...in Parkland, is that public opinion has shifted in favor of political leaders taking some action, even at the displeasure of the NRA. Democratic governor candidate Dennis Kucinich quickly jumped on that issue with a position that aligns with the feelings of many Democratic voters. Kucinich and his running mate, Akron city Councilwoman Tara Samples, are advocating for a statewide ban on assault weapons. There could be strong enough sentiment about gun rights in the Democratic voting public in Ohio to make a difference in the May 8 primary.