Chainlink Prison Fence--of bigotry barring U.S. citizens from their most sacred right in democracy
(Image by JobsForFelonsHub) Details DMCA
I know, I know AP via NYTimes, but sad news for EI advocates. Last year the people of Florida voted by a substantial majority to allow felons to vote in their state without individually appealing to a Republican governor not too keen on the slew of Democratic votes that would result. The legislature voted it down, in that fines and other fees owed by this voting group went largely unpaid and therefore they hadn't fully paid their debt to society. A lower court overruled this and most recently an appeals court in Atlanta overruled that humane decision. Florida's electoral votes are key to winning in 2020, says the article. Let's hope for more litigation. Where does the case go from federal appeals if not to good old SCOTUS, a mixed bag this year.