TRUST THE LIES NOT THE 'TRUTH' | black and white | Thomas Guest ...1024 Ã-- 580 - 426k - jpg
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Caitlin at her cynical best:"So here’s the thing re:Russia. Large media corporations are all owned by powerful billionaires, all of whom have a vested interest in preserving the establishment upon which they have built their massive kingdoms.it isn’t their job to tell you the truth. They hire loyal executives to direct their media empires who in turn hire editors who are loyal to establishment interests, who hire loyal journalists effectively creating an environment wherein the only way to get ahead is to unquestioningly promote whatever narratives are being advanced by western intelligence/defense agencies and their plutocratic allies.At this point in history, this means helping to advance a very aggressive agenda against the Russian government in the US and its client states, becasue the US empire is in what it calls “post-primacy” and may currently be on its way out the door."