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Sci Tech    H3'ed 4/17/19

Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11

Lance Ciepiela
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The Hypocrisy Of Donald Trump's Call For Rep. Ilhan Omar To Step Down | Morning Joe | MSNBC President Trump is calling on on Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., to either resign from Congress or step down from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs for her ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: MSNBC)
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We at AE911Truth are releasing a new video: “Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11.

She referred to 9/11 by saying that “some people did something,” went viral last week. It triggered a torrent of manufactured outrage - including a tweet by President Donald Trump - claiming that she was trying to downplay the horror of 9/11 and resulting in death threats against her.

Of course, the underlying truth, which has been completely missed throughout the controversy is that the public still doesn’t know exactly “who” did something on 9/11 and “what” that something was. 

We hope this video will raise awareness of the ongoing lack of truth about the most important event of the 21st century - Please share widely.

Read the rest of the story HERE:

At www.ae911truth.org
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Lance Ciepiela is a retired senior who had an interesting career in government service - a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Vietnam-Era veteran, who became interested in restoring the Constitution after I realized that W Bush had attacked (more...)

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