"Congratulation on installing your new Secretry of State,' begins this satiric Fiore animation. " It looks like Mike Pompeo is heading toward an easy floor vote in the Senat e, thanks to some spine-softening moves by Kentucky’s Rand Paul, who voted for him once Pompeo said the Iraq war was a “mistake” and he would never in a million years do something stupid like that, unless it was in North Korea or Iran. We are well on our way to having an anti-gay, anti-Muslim, bible-thumping Tea Partier from Kansas as our Sec'y of State. Pompeo is already known for pushing a bogus link between Al Qaeda and Iran. Sounds familiar, no? For fun, Pompeo likes to advocate for torture and mass surveillance while voting against the Violence Against Women Act. Now if only he liked to drink on the job. Sit back and watch the world light up!"