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(Image by (From Wikimedia) Haim Schwarczenberg, https://schwarczenberg.com . 'Full name and blog URL address' must be cited when the photo is used anywhere. / email to OTRS system by Autho, Author: See Source) Details Source DMCA
A judge has ordered that Ahed Tamimi's proceedings be held in private for her own good. Israel’s arrest and prosecution of Palestinian minors in the West Bank involves systemic, routine abuse of their rights. They are taken from their homes or from the street without their parents being informed. They are often subjected to violence and threats during interrogations, which take place without parents or lawyers present, and they are automatically remanded in custody pending the end of proceedings. In such a system, the best interest of Palestinian minors hardly crosses the Israeli judges’ minds, let alone guides their decisions. Maybe it is better to tell it like it is, and state the simple truth: The court’s decision to close its doors had nothing to do with protecting Tamimi’s rights and everything to do with defending the image of the occupation.