Ravitch says: "Peter Greene is a master of close reading. In this post, he deconstructs Eli Broad's audacious plan to take over half the students in Los Angeles and out them in charter schools. It turns the stomach to see these very rich men destroying a democratic institution. It was said that Mussolini made the trains run on time. All the Italian people had to do was accept fascism. Are the people of Los Angeles prepared to hand their children over to autocrats and billionaires?" The 44-page report, reads like an investors' prospectus." Says Green "I am absolutely bowled over at the magnitude of this power grab. Imagine if Broad and his friends said, "We're not happy with the LAPD, so we're going to hire and train our own police force, answerable to nobody but us, to cover some parts of the city. Also, the taxpayers have to foot the bill."