Don't be fooled: this smiling grandpa is leftists' hitman.
(Image by (From Wikimedia) United States Congress, Author: United States Congress) Details Source DMCA
A new swing state poll provides evidence that Sanders, not Clinton, may represent the Democrats' best hope for winning in 2016. The survey, which polled over 1,200 voters in each of three swing states — Colorado, Iowa and Virginia — finds that voters have a much less favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton than they do of Bernie Sanders. The poll also found that Sanders was as competitive as Clinton in head to head match-ups against the top Republican candidates in both Colorado and Iowa. Clinton still had an edge over Sanders in Virginia.
However, in both Colorado and Iowa, Bernie Sanders performs as well against the GOP candidates as Hillary Clinton does. In a few match-ups, Sanders is stronger than Clinton. For example, in Iowa, Clinton trails Jeb Bush 42-36, while Sanders runs closer, trailing Bush just 42-38 percent. In Colorado, both candidates fare poorly in a contest against Scott Walker, but Sanders’ 44-36 deficit is marginally better than Hillary Clinton’s 47-38 disadvantage, when pitted against Walker.