Democracy and Class Struggle: USA: The Fascist Resume' of Trump's ...
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"Bannon has never been able to stand Ryan who represents the GOP conservative core that is part of the system about which Bannon says, “I want to tear it all down.” Deconstruction and destruction are all that these two unlikely bedfellows have in common. That, and the fact that they both gambled too heavily on being able to get the repeal and replace scam over, before anybody started to look too closely or ask too many questions, or so they thought. Our nation is undergoing a trial by fire of its most strongly held precepts; we are now experiencing our greatest ordeal since the Civil War. We won an important victory yesterday. The health care smash-up created a crack in the veneer of legitimacy of the Republican party. It’s our task now to expand that crack until it’s as wide as the Grand Canyon and the GOP falls in."