Eve Ewing’s stunning new book, Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago’s South Side explores the blindness, deafness, and heartlessness of technocratic, "portfolio school reform"* as it played out in 50 school closings in Chicago at the end of the school year in 2013. This was Rahm Emanuel's worst legacy, a stain unmatched in American history. No district or city or state ever closed 50 schools in one day. Throughout the book, teachers, students, parents, and grandparents point out the irony that Byrd-Bennett has criticized their now-closed school for being under-resourced. But Emanuel believes, like Arne Duncan, that schools "fail," when in fact it is society that fails when children come to school hungry and in need of smaller classes, medical care, and food." Learn what happened to America's public schools.