no more tests 05.30.09 [150] | end of school.... for the sum. | Flickr1024 Ã-- 576 - 252k - jpg
(Image by Details DMCA
"The US is the only nation requiring standardized tests yearly from grades 3-8. The consequences attached to them stigmatize students, teachers, and schools. Teachers have been fired, &schools have been closed based on these test scores despite growing evidence that 'test-based accountability' is ineffective.There is a lobby that love$ testing: testing corporations & the Hedge Fund managers organization (Lots of money in test$!). The other is that our policymakers are still inhaling the stale fumes of No Child Left Behind. It is hard to break away from a practice, even a bad one that has become ingrained-- and making money for privateer$ who take over 'failing schools.' Standardized tests should not be used for high school graduation or for firing teachers or closing schools. Yet they are. Obviously, they are misused on a regular basis. So, I have a modest proposal."