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Life Arts    H3'ed 8/24/24

The Day After November 5: Confronting the Post-Election Crisis

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Marta Steele
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Who’s looking forward to election day, November 5? Early voting begins next month in some states, which means a week from today. 

And, more than that, who’s looking forward to the days and weeks after November 5, when even if there is a landslide problems are inevitable? But if there’s not a landslide, look out for disastrous complications that may stretch on for months.

Author and writer David Daley has studied these eventualities in expert detail in his new book Antidemocratic: Inside the Far Right’s 50-Year Plot to Control American Elections. There he “foresees a looming crisis that could dwarf the chaos of the 2000 election.”

In the attached transcript of Jeff Schechtman's spot-on interview of him, also a podcast, you can read the details of Daley's expert expectations of what may occur after November 5, 2024. It isn’t pretty!

Read the rest of the story HERE:

At whowhatwhy.org
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Marta Steele is an author/editor/blogger who has been writing for Opednews.com since 2006. She is also author of the 2012 book "Grassroots, Geeks, Pros, and Pols: The Election Integrity Movement's Nonstop Battle to Win Back the People's Vote, (more...)

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Daley previous published the best-selling blockbuster Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count. There he parsed the Republican takeover in 2010 by means of absconding with a majority of state legislatures, a successful strategy that one Democratic legislator had timidly suggested years earlier, to no avail.

Submitted on Saturday, Aug 24, 2024 at 9:04:29 PM

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