Donald Trump - Riding the Wrecking Ball | Donald John Trump,. | Flickr1024 Ã-- 576 - 142k - jpg
(Image by Details DMCA
"The wreckage has been extensive. Trump has done significant damage signing into law 11 'small' regulatory rollback measures: some would have strengthened health, safety and fair pay protections for workers, environmental protections; he has also rolled back broadband privacy protections, anti-bribery standards for oil companies operating abroad, expanded background checks for mentally ill gun buyers & educational assessment standards for public schools. All these roll-back passed by Republican majorities using the Congressional Review Act — a law that lets lawmakers use fast-track procedures to repeal rules completed in the last six months or so of a previous administration. Nor is the damage easily undone. When a regulation is repealed using the Congressional Review Act, agencies are blocked from issuing “substantially similar” rules without express authorization from Congress."