Klonsky offers a look at a reformer's dream: "School choice" (vouchers and charters) couched in Orwellian terms as a "Bill of Rights" as the Trib editors' use 'lingo' to promote their extreme right-wing reform agenda.It was the same board members who, i n a previous editorial, called for CPS to be taken over by an autocrat with "Mussolini-like powers" to execute and implement that agenda. There's not much on this list that hasn't been going on for years in Chicago, without any positive results. Klonsky offers a look at what a real Children's list of rights would look like A real student Bill of Rights might include items like:"The right to learn in a safe environment in a safe community.The right to be well-fed, rested and clothed. The right to the same level of funding and resources as students in the wealthy suburbs. The right to opt-out of high-stakes, standardized testing.