From Earthquake damage - Avon River: Earthquake damage - Avon River (Image by Unknown Owner) Details DMCA | What's the new frontier in scientific denial? Earthquake denial! First, fossil fuels help change the atmosphere, now they're causing earthquakes. It's official, this isn't just some crackpot conspiracy theory designed to undermine the oil industry. The USGS and loads of scientists confirm that the industry practice of injecting oil and gas wastewater deep underground is causing earthquakes.
Something must be up when Oklahoma now has more earthquakes than California. Speaking of California, even though we have naturally-occurring earthquakes, the Golden State isn't immune from the ravages of the oil and gas industry. (Or the ravages of bumbling regulators, depending on which part of the story you pursue.) Hundreds of oil wastewater disposal wells have pumped toxic filth into aquifers that had previously been fit for human consumption. Oh yeah, and there's some kind of drought thing going |