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Best Web OpEds    H4'ed 6/17/17

The political significance of the shooting attack on US congressmen

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Carol R Campbell
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Eric London presents a careful reprise of the attack on the Political Ball Players, ignoring any reference to their Political Opinions. Rather, he carefully presents James Hodgkinson's Bio, and his Political Growth, from a Working Class Democrat, to an Independent - disappointed in both Obama and the Choices we were presented with in the 2016 Election.

London offers no excuses or clues as to how this man decided violence was the solution. This is an Obituary of America's Working Class. Adrift and discarded by the Political Structure and the Wealthy Power Brokers, and with no reasonable choices for the future.

To James Hodgkinson, Suicide by Cop apparently seemed a better choice than an overdose or bullet to the head in the woods.

Read the rest of the story HERE:

At www.wsws.org
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Political Activist, writer and commentator. I have eclectic interests, and am a retired Mechanical Designer. I live in Hawaii, and am far to the left of current the political mainstream.

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