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General News    H3'ed 12/2/12

Tipping Point: Top Obama Lawyer Mulls Ending Endless War

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Gustav Wynn
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In a speech given at Oxford University, Jeh Johnson, a Pentagon lawyer and one of President Obama's top legal advisors asked about an eventual end to its seemingly endless war.

This could speed the close of Guantanamo and return some responsibility for fighting terrorism to law enforcement and intelligence agencies, but it's not known how this would affect drone strikes or detentions.

Though the end to the US global "War on Terror" is overdue, the reasons given by Johnson are not admitting it was all a mistake. Instead he suggests the war should end because al Qaeda has been damaged so bad, they no longer exist as we knew them.

Unfortunately, the opposite happened when Bush responded to 9/11 with the armed invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. As reported this fall, al Qaeda is stronger than ever with gains made in North Africa, Mali and elsewhere.
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At www.commondreams.org
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(OpEdNews Contributing Editor since October 2006) Inner city schoolteacher from New York, mostly covering media manipulation. I put election/finance reform ahead of all issues but also advocate for fiscal conservatism, ethics in journalism and (more...)

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