Students rally to end sale of BLM lands Students rally to end sale of BLM lands.
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Utahns protested the lease sale, lands within 10 miles of Arches and Canyonlands; the BLM leased public lands for fracking near Bears Ears, Canyons of the Ancients and Hovenweep national monuments. Ashley Soltysiak, director,Utah Sierra Club:
Utahns have demonstrated their commitment to transition away from fossil fuels, commitments undermined by rampant lease sales, threatening public health. While Utah's recreational economies flourish, attempts to develop cultural, environmental, and recreational spaces for dirty fuels remain a growing threat. Utah is our home; the reckless sale of our public lands with limited public engagement is unacceptable and short-sighted.
Fracking destroys wildlife habitat with wells, compressor stations, pipelines and roads. Injecting toxic wastewater into the ground pollutes groundwater. Oil industries pollute the air with toxins.