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General News    H3'ed 3/4/19

Trump allies worry federal investigations in New York could lead to president's downfall

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Stephen Fox
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Prosecutors Have Incentive To Give Allen Weisselberg 'Complete Immunity' | MTP Daily | MSNBC Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor, says Alan Weisellberg is .still deeply in the woods. but when he testifies before Congress, lawmakers should ...
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“These guys in the Southern District can look at anything and they have two tour guides there, guys, they have Michael Cohen and Rick Gates,” Christie added. 

Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer at the Trump Organisation, was offered immunity to testify against the president and reveal what he knows to SDNY investigators about Trump’s crimes. His testimony would be the “ultimate nightmare scenario for Trump,” a Presidential employee  told CNN.

“Allen knows where all the financial bodies are buried,” they said. “Allen knows every deal, he knows every dealership, he knows every sale, anything and everything that’s been done.”

Read the rest of the story HERE:

At www.independent.co.uk
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