Donald Trump - Riding the Wrecking Ball | Donald John Trump,. | Flickr1024 Ã-- 576 - 142k - jpg
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"Trump is trying to make an end run around the Senate confirmation process for the a key Census Bureau vacancy, the director, by slotting [Thomas] Brunell into the deputy role and having him serve as acting director indefinitely. It’s the deputy director, whose appointment doesn’t require Senate confirmation, who runs the decennial census. Census numbers determine how federal funding and political representation are allocated. This is illegal in several ways. In addition to it being impermissible to bypass the Senate, appointing a director is mandatory, the Vacancies Reform Act limits acting directors to 210 days of service, and Brunell doesn’t meet the legally requirements to run the Census Bureau. Brunell’s an an accomplished gerrymanderer He drew the now infamous No. Carolina redistricting maps that inspired some of the most pointed language seen in a federal judicial opinion."