What might constitutionally grounded articles of impeachment against Donald Trump look like? The most clear-cut one would be based on public corruption, including conflicts of interest and receipt of foreign emoluments.
Believing—incorrectly—that the president “can’t have a conflict of interest,” Trump is using his office to enrich himself and members of his family. His “winter White House,” Mar-a-Lago, is a private club that he owns and that charges a $200,000 initiation fee for members to get access to him, his head-of-state guests, and his staff. Membership fees go as high as $350,000 at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club, where Trump spent his August vacation.
Mar-a-Lago estate gate in Palm Beach, Forida
(Image by (From Wikimedia) tommietheturtle from Palm Beach, United States, Author: tommietheturtle from Palm Beach, United States) Details Source DMCA