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General News    H3'ed 7/30/19

Udall, Senate Dems push for overturn of 'Citizens United' case

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Stephen Fox
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Udall Calls for Constitutional Amendment on Campaign Finance Reform Two years following the Supreme Court's controversial Citizens United decision, Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) calls for a constitutional amendment to allow Congress ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: SenatorTomUdall)
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Udall said Monday Majority Leader McConnell “proudly proclaims that he is presiding over a legislative graveyard — where urgently-needed legislation, like the Democracy for All amendment, goes to die. But we are fighting back, and taking this directly to the American people. The American people are fed up with a campaign finance system run totally amok. It’s time to put elections back in the hands of American voters, not corporations and special interests.”

The Center for Public Integrity: "Amending the Constitution requires a vote of two-thirds of both the House and Senate, followed by ratification by three-fourths of state legislatures. The Constitution was last amended in 1992. Of more than two dozen money in politics bills introduced early in the current congressional session, lawmakers have not conducted a single formal hearing or vote on any of them.”

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Early in the 2016 Primary campaign, I started a Facebook group: Bernie Sanders: Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win! As the primary season advanced, we shifted the focus to advancing Bernie's legislation in the Senate, particularly the (more...)

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