Audubon Zoo Swamp Monster (11 of 14) | Samantha Chapnick | Flickr683 Ã-- 1024 - 297k - jpg
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“It would be hard to find a better example of the “corrupt Washington establishment” that Trump calls “the swamp” than Ed Gillespie.” Ed Gillespie is the GOP candidate for governor in Virginia." For most of his career, he was known as the consummate GOP lobbyist in Washington., Now he has been Trumpified, turned into a Tea Party extremist. “Gillespie also adopted Trump’s tactics. If Gillespie wins, it will demonstrate that Trumpism defines the GOP. If Northam wins, it will be a huge setback for Trump and his overtly racist, nationalist, crude, xenophobic brand of politics.The big issue in the election is race. Current Gov.McAuliffe restored voting rights to convicted felons who had paid their debt to society. Gillespie and his allies are vocally opposed. About half of those who regained their right to vote are African Americans, and they are a threat to the GOP."