Truth/DON'T MISS THIS from The Ravitch Blog: NPE Brd mbr. Phyllis Bush nails this election cycle “Many politicians are beholden to their base to be re-elected. Because so few people have traditionally voted, especially in off years, unhappy voters are hugely influential in setting the political agenda for the rest of us. Since those unhappy folks are mad about nearly everything, they choose candidates and instruct them to cut taxes and to obstruct governance. Then when nothing gets done, we're all angry, and we blame it on everyone but ourselves, because those who voted, voted for obstructionists and hard liners, and the rest of us stayed home and complained about our votes not counting. We should hardly be shocked since this is what we get from our apathy.“Instead of l ooking for solutions to deal with the serious issues facing us, we get distracted by... Read this superb analysis.