"The public schools belong to us, the families who pay taxes to sustain them. They are ours in a very personal way, in a theoretical way, and in an actual, absolute financial way. They do not belong to a handful of small-minded men who want to break them down, write them out of their budgets, and sever our communities from each other.They Are Ours. -Our buildings, some of them historic, we have upheld and gardened and and repainted with our own volunteer efforts. We have papered their walls with our children's art. We have forged relationships with our teachers, we have worked at this and so have they." "In Chicago, the schools are currently "owned" by the mayor-- who wants to cut the schools' budget by 39%-- and his hand-picked board. In other major cities, they are being given away to boards controlled by hedge fund managers, entrepreneurs, and corporate chains."