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Quotation by Arthur Silber:
as I've discussed in numerous essays, almost all Americans and much of the world (at least, the elite establishment of the world, i.e., the ruling class) are engaged in a monumental exercise of denial and avoidance. This damnable business has gone on for centuries, to be sure, but it has gathered terrible force in the last several decades. Today, the lethal force of this worldwide denial could easily lead to destruction on a scale never seen, not even in the last World War. History, facts, unimaginable brutality, torture, wide scale murder, bodies ripped apart, guts spilling out of blood-drenched bodies, arms, legs and heads sundered and tossed aside to be gnawed on by starving animals, souls destroyed, never again to experience joy or happiness for even a moment -- all of this is minimized, ignored, denied, even mocked as the perpetrators of this immense evil and those who enable and support them (which is most people) claim that those who identify the truth are "exaggerating.
Arthur Silber (more by this author)
Country: United States
Type: Prose
Context: Website
Context Details: http://bit.ly/asilber
Uttered: 2009