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Quotation by Rob Kall:
Hope is an energy, a metaphysical, spiritual resource we hold within us-- a small fire that keeps burning when it seems cold and dark around us, when things seem to be going wrong, when possibilities seem dim or non-existent. Hope keeps lighting us up inside, enabling us to see that our heart is still there.
You don 't need special resources to have hope. Hope will find them for you.
You don 't need courage to have hope. Hope will give you courage.
You don 't need to see any possible chance... Hope will find a way.
Hope is a wild animal-- a tiny canary fluttering on high or a massive elephant barrelling down the road. It can carry you to places of great challenge, of great beauty, of great passion and depth. It is a steed you ride with grace and kindness, a blessing you embrace like the wind, like a horse 's rein, yet you let the rein loose and let fly with the flow of the ride.
There will always be people who splash cold water on the embers of hope, who try to dash out the last sparks of burning aliveness hope gifts us. There will always be people who see parts and pieces, numbers and data, only seeing the hole, when they think they are seeing the whole picture. They can blot a vision, thrash a dream and crash hopes-- but only if you let them.
Look at people like Steven Hawking, whose dwarfed, deformed shape has not stopped him from having a vision that spans the universe and beyond. Look at Beethoven who went on composing amazing music after he became deaf. But you don 't have to look to Beethoven. There 's a band composed of all deaf band members and music is taught in schools for the deaf.
They persevere in the face of great challenge. That is one of the best parts of being human-- facing great challenges and finding, with hope and vision, answers we never knew existed. This is one of the ways we can feel most alive, most in touch with those spiritual vibrations, which remind us that we are all connected to God.
Rob Kall (more by this author)
1951 -
Country: United States
Type: Prose
Context: Unknown
Uttered: 4