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Quotation by Edward Abbey:
The rancher strings barbed wire across the range, drills wells and bulldozes stock ponds everywhere, drives off the elk and antelope and bighorn sheep, poisons coyotes and prairie dogs, shoots eagle and bear and cougar on sight, supplants the native bluestem and grama grass with tumbleweed, cow sh*t, cheat grass, snakeweed, anthills, poverty weed, mud and dust and flies--and then leans back and smiles broadly at the Tee Vee cameras and tells us how much he loves the West.
Edward Abbey (more by this author)
1927-1989 (Age at death: 62 approx.)
Thoreau of the West, and John Muir and Sophocles, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, and Rachel Carson, too.
Author Information from Wikipedia
Country: United States
Type: Prose
Context: Book